Have you seen Cayuga ducks foraging in the park or somewhere else? If your answer is no, I won’t be surprised. Because there are now only ten thousand Cayuga ducks all over the world, which is very few. Keeping them as backyard birds might save them from being vanished.
However, what do Cayuga ducks eat? This isn’t easy to answer in short. It depends on your purpose. Commercial feed for economic purposes, and give them plants or grains if they’re here as your pet. However, they won’t mind if you let them forage every day for a while.
Stay with me to know the ins and outs of Cayuga ducks’ dietary habits. I will provide you with a brief insight into this.
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What Do Cayuga Ducks Eat?
Cayuga ducks are scions of mallard ducks. They are very popular for their shiny color. These ducks were used for meat purposes in the past, but now they are being seen as domestic ducks and considered an endangered breed. These ducks are on the livestock conservancy watch list.
The dietary habits of these ducks are similar to other ducks. The diets mainly depend on the purpose of having ducks. If you have ducks for commercial purposes, you have to be dependent on commercial duck feed for the meat quality and production.
And if you want to have these ducks as pets, you can give them plants or grains. Or you can leave them to forage for insects. But whatever they eat, there should be plenty of fresh water.
6 Type of Diet For Cayuga Ducks
When raising Cayuga ducks in domestic settings, replicating their natural diet is essential for their health and vitality. A well-rounded diet for Cayuga ducks typically includes the following:
1. Commercial Duck Feed
Though they were used as commercial ducks in the past, they are now backyard ducks. If you want to ensure fast growth and better meat and egg production for commercial purposes, it is necessary to provide them with commercial duck feed. You can feed these to your domestic ducks, too.
Commercial duck feed is mainly a mixture of corn, soybean meal, calcium carbonate, and mineral mix. These specially formulated feeds are designed to meet the nutritional requirements of ducks. These poultry feeds ensure that they receive a balanced combination of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Here is a list of the five highest-rated duck feeds on Amazon:
Feed Name | Suitable for |
Manna pro duck layer pallet | Laying ducks |
Natural waterscape waterfowl feed | Wild ducks, pet ducks |
Manna pro duck starter grower crumble | Ducklings |
Manna pro all flock crumbles | Adult pet ducks |
Purina flock raiser crumbles poultry feed | Ducklings |
2. Plants
Plants like lettuce, kale, spinach, and cabbage are all favorites of ducks. They provide necessary nutrients and promote organic foraging behavior.
3. Aquatic Plants
Aquatic plants like duckweed, water hyacinth, and water lettuce give the ducks a familiar food source. They also stimulate their natural foraging tendencies.
4. Insects and Worms
Cayuga ducks relish insects, worms, and other small invertebrates like snails or spiders. These protein-rich treats can be offered as occasional supplements to their diet.
5. Grains
Whole grains like cracked corn, barley, oats, and wheat can be given in moderation to add variety to their diet and provide energy.
6. Fresh Water
Access to clean, fresh water is important for ducks. They use water not only for drinking but also for cleaning their bills and preening their feathers.
You can see the video of raising Cayuga ducks with proper care.
Here are 6 Dietary Considerations for Cayuga Ducks
While Cayuga ducks have a relatively simple diet, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:
1. Balance
Maintaining a balanced diet is a must for preventing malnutrition or health issues. Commercial feeds are designed to meet most of their nutritional needs. However, supplementing with a variety of food ensures a diverse nutrient intake.
2. Age
Ducks need to be fed according to their age. Ducklings need non-medicated starter feed until they get 2 weeks old. They need 230 grams of food per week.
Gradually, ducklings increase the amount of their intake. An adult duck needs 170 to 200 grams of food in a day.
3. Grit
Ducks lack teeth and rely on small stones or grit to aid in the digestion of their food. You should give ducks access to small pebbles or commercial grit. This can help them grind down their food in their gizzard.
4. Avoid Toxic Food
Some foods are toxic to ducks, including chocolate, caffeine, onions, and citrus fruits. You should avoid to ensure the ducks’ well-being.
5. Seasonal Adjustments
Ducks’ dietary needs may vary with the seasons. During colder months, they might require more energy-rich food to maintain body heat.
6. Supplements
You can give some supplements to ducks to bring some variety. For instance, you can provide vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.
Related Reading: What do bufflehead ducks eat
How Often & How Much Can Cayuga Ducks Eat?
Ducks can eat all day if you give them. But overeating may be the cause of their knocking down. You can give them to eat two times a day, in the morning and evening.
And ducks will have some more to eat while foraging. And this will be enough for them. 170 to 200 grams of food is enough for an adult duck in a day.
About Baby Cayuga Ducks
Baby Cayuga ducks need a balanced diet for their growth. Till two weeks old, ducklings should be given non-medicated starter feed only. They can begin to eat like adults after two weeks. You can feed the animal’s grain, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and commercial feed. And you should let them learn to forage on their own.
But the important thing to remember is that ducklings need niacin and protein-rich food. They need to have enough fresh water. Otherwise, their growth will be slow. Generally, ducklings need 230 grams of food in a week. It can be increased up to 200 grams in a day while getting older.
Recommended Reading: Diet For Ducks – What To Feed
I am not done yet with Cayuga ducks. Let’s know more about them in the FAQ section.
Q. Why have Cayuga ducks become an endangered breed?
Cayuga ducks faced tough competition with Pekin ducks as they became the top meat producers. As a result, Cayuga ducks’ popularity and population reduced drastically.
Q. Can Cayuga ducks eat cooked food scraps from the kitchen?
You should keep the ducks away from foods heavy in salt, sugar, and additives, while certain cooked foods are acceptable. Give unseasoned veggies, uncooked rice, and other suitable food.
Actually, Cayuga ducks don’t need any special diet. They have the same dietary habits as the other ducks. They can eat commercial feed, leafy greens, aquatic plants, and insects, and you can also give them treats.
But the concerning matter is that this breed is about to be abolished. I think we can have these ducks as pets in our backyard to save them.
Resource & References:
- https://www.fresheggsdaily.blog/2023/08/all-about-cayuga-ducks.html
- https://livestockconservancy.org/heritage-breeds/heritage-breeds-list/cayuga-duck/