26 Weird Chicken Facts That You Never Know!

26 Weird Chicken Facts That You Never Know!

Forget everything you thought you knew about chickens! These clucking dinos (yep, dinosaurs!) boast over 150 dazzling varieties, with some rocking a mind-blowing 8,325 feathers. Ever heard it before? No, you don’t! But that’s just the tip of the beak! Chickens can dream up fantastical worlds, see colors beyond their wildest imagination, and even navigate…

7 Reasons Why Chicks Chirp So Much! It’s Not Just Noise!

7 Reasons Why Chicks Chirp So Much! It’s Not Just Noise!

You heard a bunch of chicks chirping but if they won’t stop become something to look after! Those constant peeping and tweeting sounds might make you wonder what they’re all talking about. So, why do chicks chirp so much? Chicks begin chirping to express their needs and emotions. Whether it’s hunger, discomfort, or simply a…

13 Sounds and Noises Chickens Make: What They Mean By That?

13 Sounds and Noises Chickens Make: What They Mean By That?

Chickens are not just clucking birds; they’re also surprisingly chatty! Ever hear your chickens clucking away and wonder what they’re chatting about? Understanding these noises can give insights into their well-being and behavior. Chickens cluck, cackles and other sounds mean something! Clucking means chickens are happy while pecking or resting. Cackling happens after laying eggs…

My Chicken’s Losing Feathers! Is It Molting or Sickness?

My Chicken’s Losing Feathers! Is It Molting or Sickness?

Have you spotted your feathery friend looking a bit bare lately? It’s likely just your chicken molting time! Molting is a natural cycle where chickens shed their old feathers and get a new shiny set. This shedding season can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. While your chicken might look a…

How Do Chickens Sleep? They Perch to Sleep!

How Do Chickens Sleep? They Perch to Sleep!

Have you ever wondered, “How do chickens sleep?” These feathered friends have their own unique way of catching their nightly Z’s. Unlike us, they don’t snuggle up in beds with blankets. Chickens usually sleep or roost in raised places, like tree branches or bars. This helps them stay safe from animals that might want to…

Can Chickens Swim In Water? Yes, But Not A Natural Swimmer!

Can Chickens Swim In Water? Yes, But Not A Natural Swimmer!

Chickens scrape the ground, cluck, and lay eggs; what about swimming? While many people believe hens cannot swim, the reality may surprise you. So, can chickens swim in Water? Yes, chickens can swim but they aren’t expert swimmers. Unlike ducks or geese, chickens don’t have webbed feet or oily feathers designed for water navigation. However,…

Why Are My Chickens So Noisy? Decoding the Feathered Chatter!

Why Are My Chickens So Noisy? Decoding the Feathered Chatter!

Why are my Chickens so noisy? Chickens make noise for different reasons. First, make sure they always have water and food. If they’re loud, they might be worried about predators, so check for dangers. Sometimes, laying eggs or wanting to sit on them makes them noisy. Moreover, if they’re bored or stressed because of not…

Surprising Facts About Chickens (21+ Things You Never Know!)

Surprising Facts About Chickens (21+ Things You Never Know!)

Forget what you know about chickens and think beyond egg-laying and cute noises. Chickens are not just ordinary birds; they have surprising talents and secrets. Let’s explore 21 Surprising Facts About Chickens that will change the way you see them. You will be surprised to see they run so fast and can find their way…

Understanding Chicken Behavior – Let Me List Them Out For You!

Understanding Chicken Behavior – Let Me List Them Out For You!

Chickens may seem simple, but understanding Chicken behavior will surely amaze you! Chickens express themselves uniquely, from clucking conversations to joyful dust baths. I even encountered their aggression as well as their depressed mood. However, we’ll try to understand what they actually mean by their activities. It will clarify how to take proper care of…

Do Chickens Sleep Standing Up? No, It’s A Behavior Called Roosting!

Do Chickens Sleep Standing Up? No, It’s A Behavior Called Roosting!

You may see chickens with closed eyes while standing, so curiosity comes if they sleep while standing up. Well, it’s a rumor that chickens sleep while standing up. So, do chickens sleep standing up? Nope! Chickens do not sleep standing. They engage in roosting, which involves hens perching on tall structures. For example, chickens roost…

Do Chickens Pee? No, They Release Combined Waste Called Excreta!

Do Chickens Pee? No, They Release Combined Waste Called Excreta!

You may get curious to know, “Do chickens pee or not?” Well, no. Chickens don’t pee or urinate alone. They have a single hole called a cloaca with a vagina, rectum and urethra. However, they release combined waste by the excretory system. It’s basically a mix of urine and feces. Other than that, you may…

Can Chickens See In The Dark? No, They Have Poor Night Vision!

Can Chickens See In The Dark? No, They Have Poor Night Vision!

For being known as a diurnal bird, we often don’t see chickens outside the coop. But to inform you, chickens have poor eyesight in the dark, and it’s the big reason! So, Can Chickens See In The Dark? No, although they have good eyesight in the daytime, like 300° field vision, they cannot see at…