Can Ducks Eat Grapefruit

Can ducks eat grapefruit? No, they must avoid such citrus fruit with high amounts of citric acid. Even it weakens the duck’s eggshell and interferes with waterfowl calcium absorption. So, you must avoid grapefruit peels, pulp, or significantly the flesh.

Grapes are safe fruit for ducks, but grapefruit is a citrus fruit that you must avoid for ducks or other poultries! Grapes and grapefruits seem the same when considering the names, but the differences are like heaven and earth!

This article will portray all the negativities of grapefruit. I’ll also bring some other toxic citrus fruit that benefits 2% but hurts the duck 98%. Stay with me and have a clear understanding.

Can Ducks Eat Grapefruit? 7 Health Risks Of Grapefruit As Ducks Diet

Ducks Eat Grapefruit

Surprisingly, ducks are omnivore creatures, and they will eat grapefruits if given, but feeding is not recommended. Such citrus fruit is nutritious and contains high vitamins, but mostly, the acidic effect will discomfort the duck. 

It irritates the human’s stomach and causes GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Now, think how badly backyard ducks are gonna be in trouble!

Ducks have a variety of food options, and feeding citrus fruits like grapefruits doesn’t make any sense. It’s because such fruits are associated with multiple health risks.

Now the question is, how does citrus fruit make the duck discomfort? And why should you avoid feeding such fruit? Check the reasons behind it!

1. Citric Acid Causes Digestive Problems

Citrus trees and fruits contain high levels of acid, around 2.9 to 3.3 pH, which can cause higher acidity. It happens when they consume excessively, ultimately leading to digestion problems in ducks

Here, what happens is acid reflux in the duck’s stomach, and it hurts! So, don’t feed it!

Therefore, citrus fruits are less likable compared to fruits like berries, melons, or other soft fruits without seeds.

2. High Sugar Level

High sugary diets in ducks’ lives cause obesity or health difficulties. Although grapefruit doesn’t carry high sugar, it’s what is a high amount for the poultry ducks.

3. Chemical Or Citrus Compounds

Near the citrus grapefruit and its leaves? Take your duck away, as you never know how toxic the fruit is! Citrus compounds like Limonene, Citral, Flavone, Tangeretin, and more are the reasons that make the fruit intolerable for ducks. Even it causes diarrhea.

4. Calcium Absorption Problem

Grapefruit is a citrus compound item that blocks the ducks from absorbing calcium. It causes brittle bone, thin eggshells, poor egg quality, and poor hatching ability.

5. Chances Of Allergies Or Sensitivities

Not all ducks are gonna be good with citrus fruits. Some of them may face allergic reactions or sensitivities.

6. Unlikable Taste

Grapefruit is a semi-sweet, bitter fruit due to the chemical called naringin. And ducks may not like the bitterness.

7. Nutrition Imbalance

Due to having a small amount of grapefruit as a supplementary treat, ducks may lose their appetite for other diets. It’s what ultimately causes nutritional imbalances, and they don’t prefer to eat any other tasty treats.

Can Baby Ducks Eat Grapefruit? No Way!

Baby ducks are much more sensitive than adult ducks, so they must avoid fruits with high acids, like grapefruit. During their young age, they should depend on duck feed for the first two to four weeks. 

And later on, you provide some fruits as a part of their regular diet. But not the citrus grapefruit, please!

What Other Citrus Fruits You Should Avoid For Ducks?

What Other Citrus Fruits You Should Avoid For Ducks

Any sort of citrus fruits must be ignored as acids can hamper the duck’s health. However, some of the duck owners have found ducks and chickens are safe after consuming citrus fruit. But the truth is it indeed causes calcium deficiencies.

On the contrary, a surprising fact is that a small quantity or in moderation didn’t hurt them. It’s what a lot of poultry owners have found. But I personally don’t recommend feeding any species of grapefruits such as:

  • Red grapefruit
  • White Grapefruit
  • Pink grapefruit
  • Sweeties grapefruit
  • Star Ruby grapefruit
  • Melogold grapefruit
  • Oro Blanco grapefruit
  • Duncan grapefruit
  • Thompson grapefruit
  • Lavender Gem grapefruit.

On the other hand, avoid feeding other citrus fruits like:

  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Tangelo
  • Kumquat.

Related Article: Can Ducks Eat Oranges

What Fruits To Offer Instead Of Grapefruits?

What Fruits To Offer Instead Of Grapefruits

Except for grapefruits, what fruits are safe for ducks? Almost all of them except for the citrus fruit, like grapefruit. But some of them should be seedless! Anyway, look at the list of safe fruits for backyard ducks.

  • Grapes
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Melons
  • Berries
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Pineapple.

While offering all of them, ensure they’re manageable size and, of course, without seed. They should only eat what’s comfortable for them to consume.

*Pro Tip: Always provide fruits as an occasional treat as they should consume at least 10% treat each day along with their daily balanced diet.

Related Reading: Can Ducks Eat Oranges

Wrapping Up

So, can ducks eat grapefruit? No, you shouldn’t feed, and they shouldn’t eat grapefruits. The problem, as I discussed, is citric compounds and acids that cause health issues and calcium deficiencies the most.

I personally would never feed such citrus fruits as it’s completely unhealthy and don’t carry any notable value in ducks’ growth. Along with grapefruit, avoid feeding lemons, limes, or oranges. All of them are acidic and cause digestive distress. So, it’s better to provide nutritious fruits like berries or melons that I find enjoyable for them in the ground.

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