Can Ducks Eat Watermelon

The juicy red part of a watermelon is a sweet treat for ducks. But what about the other watermelon parts?

Can ducks eat watermelon? The answer is yes. Ducks can certainly consume watermelon, but not all the parts. Water content and natural sugar in watermelon are what make it a healthy treat for them. But please, avoid giving them the rind and seeds as these might cause choking hazards.

In this study, we will know the answer to the question in depth. We will learn about the nutritional value of watermelon as well as the benefits of eating it by ducks. We will also be aware of other additional details. So keep on reading!

Can Ducks Eat Watermelon? A Detailed Answer

Ducks Eat watermelon

Yes, eating watermelon is completely fine as a delicious snack for ducks. And they may even enjoy all the fruit parts, including the watermelon flesh, rind, and seeds. Consuming watermelons is safe for all ages of ducks.

However, ducks aren’t picky eaters and can’t sense what’s unsafe for them. Hence, even though watermelon is a refreshing treat for them, consider giving it in moderation. Do not make it a part of their daily diet.

Watermelon is high in water content. So, it makes a great way to keep your ducks hydrated and fulfill the water requirements for ducks.

Watermelon helps increase potassium levels in the body of ducks. It’s on hot days and acts as a potassium supplementation. In addition, watermelons have a very low acidity level and can’t cause any acid reflux as a reason. Overall, it potentially boosts the nutrient absorption of your domestic ducks.

In easy words, feeding ducks watermelon should not make up a significant portion. It is recommended to consult with a vet or avian specialist. They’ll determine the appropriate diet for your ducks.

Can Baby Ducks Eat Watermelon?

Yes, you can give watermelon to ducklings, and they may enjoy the taste and texture of the fruit. However, it is important to feed them watermelon in moderation. Also, ensure they are receiving a balanced diet. It must have enough protein and calcium absorption to boost growth for ducklings.

Can Ducks Eat Watermelon Rind?

Yes, ducks can eat watermelon rind, and they may even enjoy it. In addition to being a natural source of vitamins and fiber, the rind can also help keep them entertained and stimulated. 

However, ducks aren’t picky about food. So, it’s important to ensure that the rind is cut up into small pieces as it can cause choking hazards. 

Can Ducks Eat Dried Watermelon?

All parts of a watermelon are safe for ducks to eat. But, when it comes to dried watermelons, it is not safe to feed them to your ducks. It’s because every 114 grams of unsweetened dried watermelon has 68 grams of sugar content. Which is highly hazardous for ducks.

Do Ducks Like Watermelon?

Ducks Like Watermelon

Watermelon is a favorite food of ducks. They may also be interested in watermelon seeds, skin, and rind. Duck owners say they are drawn to watermelon because of its vibrant hues. And ducks look cute when they eat watermelon.

Fruits are an important source of food for birds. If you notice chickens or other birds eating watermelon, you should take it easy.

Related Contents:

Nutritional Content of Watermelon for Ducks

Before jumping into the health benefits of feeding watermelon to ducks, let’s have a look at the nutritional contents of watermelon according to USDA.

NutrientAmount (Per 100 grams)
Water91.4 grams
Energy30 kcal
Protein0.61 grams
Sugar6.2 grams
Fat0.15 grams
Carbohydrates7.55 grams
Fiber0.4 grams
Potassium112 mg
Sodium1 mg
calcium7 mg
Iron0.24 mg
Nutritional Content of Watermelon; Source: USDA

4 Core Benefits of Feeding Watermelon to Ducks

Benefits of Feeding Watermelon to Ducks

Watermelon is a nutritious and tasty fruit that is beneficial for both humans and animals, including ducks. Knowing the benefits will surely take us a lead about ducks consuming watermelon. Let’s go through the potential benefits for ducks one by one.

1. High Water Content

This delicious fruit is high in water content, making it a great option for keeping ducks hydrated. Muscovy ducks are especially known for liking fruits with water content.

2. Contains Vitamins

In addition, watermelon contains vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is important for maintaining healthy vision, skin, and immunity of ducks. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage and supports immune function. These vitamins can help maintain the overall health of ducks and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 

3. Enjoyment

Furthermore, watermelon can be a great source of entertainment, especially for Pekin ducks, as they enjoy pecking and playing with the juicy fruit. 

4. Antioxidant

Watermelons contain Antioxidants. In animal feed, antioxidants are important for the well-being, health, and performance of animals. They help protect the feed from potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals and their metabolites, which might impair numerous human functions. In addition, iron in watermelon potentially contributes to balancing ducks’ blood temperature.

Helpful Reading: List Of Melons Ducks Can Eat

Guideline on How to Serve Watermelon for Your Ducks

How to Serve Watermelon for Your Ducks

Following proper guidelines for feeding watermelon to your duck is important. Let’s have a walk through the watermelon feeding and serving process.

Serving Way

It’s simple to serve watermelon to your duck. Buy a fresh watermelon first from the nearest market. Cut them up into standard-sized pieces. And simply feed them to your ducks. However, you can add drinking water. In general, each of the pieces can serve 2 or 3 adult ducks.

So, the number of pieces served is predetermined based on the number of ducks. Or you may mix watermelon pieces with some other fruits, serving it as a fruit salad.


Make sure your backyard ducks aren’t consuming too many watermelons. Consider watermelon as an occasional treat for ducks, not a regular diet. To say it precisely, four times every month, once a week, can be a good move.

Risks of Feeding Watermelon to Ducks

It’s important to understand that ducks should not eat too much watermelon. They can have tummy problems or digestive issues like diarrhea when they eat a lot of it. Besides, excessive watermelon for ducks will increase sugar levels, which as a consequence, can cause health issues.

Additionally, if your pet ducks overeat watermelon, important proteins and other essential nutrients that boost the growth of ducks might be missing. As a result, the diet will not be healthy.


Are you planning to go away? Don’t move! You have something more to learn.

Q: Can ducks eat other types of melons?

Ans. Ducks can also enjoy other melon varieties, such as cantaloupe and honeydew melon. Like watermelon, these should be offered in moderation. But remove the seeds and the piece of rind.

Q: Can ducks drink watermelon juice?

Ans. Yes, juice consumption can also be fine. But it’s not a good idea to make some watermelon juice and keep it outside for your ducks. Because after some time, the juice may lose its refreshes and be fermented.

Q: Is giving frozen watermelons to ducks recommended?

Ans. Frozen fruits are generally not advised for ducks. However, on a hot day, a modest number of frozen watermelons can be given.

Final Words

In summary, ducks can indeed eat watermelon, and it can be a healthy addition to their diet. Watermelon is high in water content, which helps keep ducks hydrated. It also provides essential vitamins like A and C, supporting their overall health and immune function. 

Ducks may love the taste and texture of watermelon, including the flesh, rind, and seeds. Watermelon can also be used to entertain ducks and can be chopped into small, manageable pieces for simple eating. Watermelon is safe for ducks. However, it should not be used in place of their regular feed. Finally, it’s usually a good idea to contact a veterinarian before deciding on a diet for your ducks.

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