Can You Feed Your Duck Seeds

I’ve got some safe seeds for the ducks. Seeds that won’t cause choking hazards or even any health risks!

So, can ducks eat seeds? Yes, they can, but with the risks of suffocation while consuming seeds endlessly. Therefore, you need to avoid unsafe seeds. I prefer to feed soft seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, bird, chia, sesame, flax, and some fruit seeds. They provide essential nutrients to ducks rather than hurting them.

This study is gonna give a proper understanding of seeds as a nutritional part of ducks’ diet. Besides, I’ll give you feeding tips!

List of 8 Seeds You Can Feed Your Ducks

List of 8 Seeds You Can Feed to Ducks

Most research says ducks are good with seeds when given in moderation or as a treat. But I think you should realize whether any seed is safe to consume for ducks or not. They have highly sensitive bills so it’s your responsibility rather than believing what online sources say.

In truth, some seeds are totally unsafe for them but we feed them. Which is a wrong move! Therefore, let me tell you the safest seeds for your backyard ducks. They’ll be soft and easy to consume.

01. Pumpkin Seeds for Ducks

Pumpkin Seeds for Ducks

Pumpkin seeds also known as pepita in North America; a soft edible seeds for ducks. So, whether for poultry business or to feed in the backyard, you’re good to feed some to your ducks and ducklings.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Pumpkins Seeds To Ducks

You can feed pumpkin seeds to ducks to give an antiparasitic effect along with plenty of health benefits.

  • A Perfect Supplementary Snack: Pumpkin seeds can be a perfect booster to feed during the winter months while they try to keep themselves more energetic.
  • Protein Provider: For growth or tissue repair, feeding some pumpkin seeds have essential proteins. 
  • Vitamins: Antioxidants like vitamin E in such seeds will keep the cells protected from any severe damage.
  • Better Feather: All the nutrients in pumpkin seed can keep the feather quality well, and help in insulation and waterproofing.
  • Amino Acids: Keep the duck’s muscles strong with pumpkin seeds. Because it provides amino acids.
  • Healthy Fats: Pumpkin seeds have healthy fats that won’t cause any trouble in ducks’ health.

Note: Pumpkin seeds may have tannins and phytates. So, you guys may soak, roast, or cook the pumpkin seeds to feed your ducks. It’s a safe move!

02. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

To keep the duck’s diet in balance, you can also add sunflower seeds. The seeds you’ll see in the middle of the sunflower are edible and safe for ducks. They’ll be quite nutritious since they contain a high amount of vitamin B1 vitamin E and thiamine.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Sunflower Seeds To Ducks

The seeds are small and packed with nutrients so I don’t think there gonna be any problem with such seeds. So, let’s see what’s good in it!

  • Vitamin Contribution: Such seeds contain vitamin A, which helps with antibody formation and improves the quality of egg production. Niacin, or vitamin B3, contributes to transforming food, including proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, into beneficial energy.
  • Fiber Intake: Fiber helps promote regular bowel movement and prevent constipation. And it will keep the digestive system running well.
  • Protein Intake: Ducks gonna have some protein from the sunflower seed. And it benefits muscle development, improving feathers and an overall boost.
  • Beneficial Fats: Sunflower seeds contain monosaturated and polyunsaturated healthy fats. And they’ll contribute to the cell’s functioning.
  • Minerals Are Notable: For antioxidant defense, enzyme activities, and bone health, minerals like selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus will contribute. So, feed some sunflower seeds!

Note: Never give sunflower seeds with salt in them. They must eat unsalted seeds since they may suffer from salt intoxication, which can cause –

  1. Dehydration
  2. Disruption in electrolyte balance 
  3. Kidney damage
  4. The neurological issue in ducks.

Therefore, my suggestion is to keep water beside them while ducks eat sunflower seeds.

03. Bird Seed

Bird Seed

Although it’s not their dietary staple, ducks can enjoy birdseed when given a decent amount. It’s basically made for small birds so while feeding it to ducks, ensure the combination is bringing something nutritious. Usually, we mix sunflower, safflower, or milo seeds to feed the avians.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Bird Seed To Ducks

If you give birdseed to ducks, they’ll surely have some health benefits. Let’s talk about this.

  • Healthy Protein And Fats: To give a boost in ducks’ energy and feather quality, birdseed is something to add to ducks’ snacks list.
  • Carbs Give Energy: Carbohydrates in bird seed can also give a boost to ducks’ health.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: The presence of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in birdseed can contribute to preventing cardiovascular difficulties such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.
  • Immunity Boost: The amount of vitamins and minerals can ensure ducks have a better immune system. They work to make sure the cell growth is good and keep the body strong to fight against infections.
  • Fiber For Detoxification: Fiber in birdseed can remove toxins and germ cells in ducks’ bodies.

See the video to get some additional knowledge on feeding seeds that are safe for your ducks.

Note: I think you should focus on feeding another type of seed. Because the benefits are not that high in birdseed compared to other seeds.

04. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

It’s not a popular supplement for ducks but for us. But I suggest feeding chia seeds to ducks since it’s soft and easily consumable. Whether it’s mallard or muscovy, they’ll be without discomfort.

But the problem is it’s a little bit expensive! But it’s worth the money due to the high nutrition!

Health Benefits Of Feeding Chia Seed To Ducks

Looks small, but the beneficial facts are abundant. Let me tell you how.

  • Fat And Protein Are Energy Boosters: The presence of fat and protein gives a big boost to ducks’ overall health.
  • Vitamins And Antioxidants: Antioxidants in chia seeds benefit like thiamine, ensuring better muscle functioning and a better neurological system. Riboflavin aids the formation of energy, which helps keep the skin and vision good. Niacin is there for cell metabolism. And the production of DNA and cell division can be controlled by folate in chia seeds.
  • Healthy Fats: Feeding some chia seeds with omega-3 fatty acids will be amazing for better feather growth.
  • Fiber For Digestion: Chia seeds have 34% dietary fiber, and you know fiber works to keep digestion and gut health better. So, chia seed as a supplementary treat can keep the duck’s digestion well. Besides, ducks gonna have benefits like nourishment for gut bacteria, preventing constipation in ducks, and preventing overeating and the risk of obesity.
  • Calcium For Bone Health: It is not that high in amount but can contribute to keeping the duck’s bone health good.

Note: You must soak the chia seed before feeding it to ducks since it may cause dehydration. And as it’s expensive, better if you mix it with other seeds.

Recommended Reading: Can You Feed Chia Seed to Ducks

05. Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds

A safe and soft seed with a mild and nut-like flavor, ducks will consume some cheerfully. The seeds are quite oily, so you must feed them moderately and I would say sparingly feeding is ideal! 

You can even serve the seeds with the hull. It will increase the calcium and fiber intake for ducks’ health.

Unfortunately, it’s pricey so you must give it occasionally. In fact, giving it daily is not a good idea. And be careful since a flock of ducks won’t mind having a pound of sesame seeds.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Sesame Seed To Ducks

So, how feeding such seeds gonna nourish the ducks?

  • Protein Intake: Similar to other seeds, sesame seeds give protein for muscle development and body functioning.
  • Antioxidants Prevent Cell Damage: When feeding some sesame seeds, antioxidants will keep the cells out of damage.
  • Fiber Ensures Digestion Health: Fiber intake always does the same job! Ducks’ consumption of some sesame seeds improves their digestive system.
  • Fats Are Healthy In Sesame Seed: The fats are unsaturated, so they’ll get energy and good feather health.
  • Minerals Play A Role, Too: They work to confirm improved bone health and enzyme functioning.

Note: I suggest feeding the sprouted sesame seeds rather than plain or roasted form. And please, give only a decent amount.

06. Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds

Such a healthy fiber crop, flax seeds can be a part of ducks’ occasional list of treats. Although it releases cyanides, don’t worry about it. It’s low in amount and you can give it to ducks after soaking or grinding to reduce the risk.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Flax Seed To Ducks

Hey, wait! Forget about the cyanogenic glycosides. There are plenty of beneficial facts about feeding flax seeds to ducks.

  • Protein Is There: Feeding a small amount of flax seed can contribute to improving your duck’s growth and muscle development.
  • Fiber Intake: The improper digestion healer! Ducks gonna have ideal digestion if they eat some flax seed because of the presence of fiber in it.
  • Rich Alpha-Linolenic Acid: Flax seeds have essential omega-3- 3 fatty acids, also known as Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). Such compound helps in such ways as inflammation reduction, better feather condition, and improved heart health.
  • Antioxidant Lignans: Ducks potentially have a better immunity system due to the presence of lignans in flax seeds.
  • Fatty Acids Contribute More: You may not know, but flaxseeds can be added to ducks’ diets to have better eggs and eggshells. According to the Poultry Extension Website, the US and Canadians use flaxseed with omega-3 fatty acid loads to produce eggs in poultry hens. Such seeds are also beneficial for ducks!

Note: Give it a tiny amount occasionally and focus on feeding the food that fulfills their need.

Read More: Do Ducks Eat Flax Seed

07. Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds

As a popular snack, hemp seeds can be on the list of your poultry birds’ diet. The fatty type seed can be a great health booster if given with grains. But be careful about the quantity!

Health Benefits Of Feeding Hemp Seed To Ducks

The presence of protein and essential fatty acids are big contributors to ducks’ health. Besides, some other nutrients are there!

  • Rich Fatty Acids:  The availability of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in hemp seed can work to keep the duck’s health better. For example – confirming better immune function, egg production, and supporting feather condition.
  • Protein Intake: Protein in hemp seed can ensure muscle growth and development.
  • Antioxidants Help Too: Ducks require healing from oxidative stress. Feeding some hemp seeds can do it for them.
  • Minerals Are There: Iron and magnesium are mainly promoting the duck’s health when they eat some hemp seeds.

Note: Since this is an oily seed, excessive feeding may cause fatty liver problems in ducks. So, give it carefully and let them enjoy it!

Another notable part! Hemp has a psychoactive compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can cause nervous system problems. 

But don’t worry! According to CDC, in hemp, any component of the cannabis sativa plant that contains less than 0.3% of the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

08. Milo Seed

Milo Seed for Ducks 1

Milo seed also known as sorghum is another safe seed for the duck’s health. We usually include such seeds as bird seeds.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Milo Seed To Ducks

To cheer the ducks up, milo seed can be another good idea. And they don’t have any risk of choking hazards! Rather benefits the ducks in multiple ways.

  • Healthy Vitamin: Vitamin B in milo seeds can help the metabolism.
  • Minerals To Boost Health: For your duck’s overall health, minerals contribute silently.
  • Carbs Are Magic: To function in the duck’s body, carbohydrates can keep the duck active all the time.

However, I keeps it in number 8 because I didn’t find it that highly nutritious like the seeds I talked about above.

Note: Such seeds may contain tannins and phytates. These compounds may prevent the ducks from absorbing minerals from the seeds. So, observe it when you feed them.

Some Other Seeds Of Fruits And Vegetables: What Ducks Love Most?

Some Other Seeds Of Fruits And Vegetables: What Ducks Love Most?

So, I already talked about the best and safest seeds for ducks. Besides, you can also give some type of seeds that comes from veggies or fruits.

  • Squash Seed: A safe and easily consumable vegetable seed for ducks.
  • Cucumber Seed: Due to having soft seeds, these watery veggie seeds will be good for waterfowl.
  • Pomegranate Seed: Whether for wild duck or domesticated duck, add such seeds as a part of their treat.
  • Watermelon Seed: Yeap, watermelon seeds are okay but make sure you remove the outer hard shell of such fruits.
  • Zucchini Seed: As it’s soft and small, ducks can digest it easily!
  • Strawberry Seeds: They eat the seeds with the fruits! It’s even good for ducklings.

Do Ducks Eat Seeds Safely? Precautions!

It’s pretty clear ducks can eat some type of seeds that are soft, edible, and safe for them. But in the case of feeding nuts to ducks, follow precautions since it poses multiple health risks!

The nut contains low nutrition with high fat. Which may potentially make them fat. Besides, certain nuts are actually cyanogenic glycosides and you’ve heard about the effects!

For your kind information, nuts are actually seeds with a single seed and high oil content. So, it can be an occasional treat but in moderation! But for now, we will focus on safe seeds for ducks.

Nutritional Facts In Seeds: How It Offers Health Benefits To Ducks?

Providing the same diet to ducks is quite boring. So, you may decide to feed something new like seeds. It’s fine and even nutritious. Therefore, I am sharing a nutrition table based on the safest seeds for ducks according to USDA data.

Types Of SeedsProteinFatCarbs.FiberCalciumVitamins
Pumpkin29.84 g49.05 g14.71 g6.5 g52 mg1.8 mg
Sunflower20.8 g51.5 g20 g8.6 g78 mg1.4 mg
Chia18.29 g42.16 g28.88 g27.3 g255 mg0.6 mg
Sesame33.3 g50 gN/AN/AN/AN/A
Flax18.3 g42.2 g28.9 g27.3 g255 mg0.6 mg
Hemp31.6 g48.8 g8.67 g4 g70 mg0.5 mg
Milo10.6 g3.46 g72.1 g6.7 g13 mgN/A
Different Seeds and Nutritions

Birdseeds are made of different types of seed mix. So, the nutritional value will depend on what seeds are there.

How To Feed Seeds To Your Ducks? Ideas You May Follow!

So, you have your safe seeds that will be good for ducks. But how to serve and feed seeds to your avian friend?

  1. Healthy Treat: Make it their occasional treat and give only a moderate amount. As I said earlier. And it’s better not to give more than two times each week.
  2. Clean Before Feed: Any sort of seeds may have contaminants. So, make sure you wash or clean the seeds first.
  3. Edible Size: If the seeds are small, from ducks or ducklings to geese and even chickens can eat seeds comfortably. Or if it’s large seeds, crush or grind them first. You may also need to soak the seeds.
  4. Serve It: You can give seeds in water, scatter them on the ground, or even mix them with other healthy treats like greens or fruits.
  5. Monitor: Observe how your ducks are consuming the seeds. Some of them may love, some not.

Recommended Reading: Nut Diet for Ducks – What Should You Know

Closing The Article Coop

So, can ducks eat seeds? Yes, they can. But ducks will have difficulties and they are not suggested.

However, if you want to feed some, you can give some nuts or corn as a healthy treat. But some precautions must be maintained by the person who feeds. And whenever you provide, ensure you follow my advice. The other experts will give the same idea, don’t worry.

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