
Ducks aren’t really into most types of seeds, whether they are from fruits or veggies. But do pumpkin seeds manage to grab their interest?

First thing first, can ducks eat pumpkin seeds? Yes! Pumpkin seeds are from the safe list of Duck Diet. These seeds are extremely nutritious and can help ducks grow faster and move spontaneously. However, do not give them processed or cooked pumpkin seeds with added spices or salts.

We will explore how pumpkin seeds may help your ducks besides their natural diet and what the minus point of feeding them to your feathered friend. We will look at the nutritional significance of raw pumpkin seeds as well. So, keep on reading!

Can Ducks Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Deep dive to the Answer

Yes, ducks can.  Pumpkin seeds are safe and easy to digest. It belongs to the short list of seeds that ducks can eat, along with chia seeds, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds. 

Pumpkin seeds are full of so many good food contents. Stat claims that pumpkin seeds are mainly high in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fat, and protein. Each of the nutrients backs the duck’s health in different ways.

So, are pumpkin seeds safe for ducks? Of course, pumpkin seeds are safe for ducks. 

But see, these seeds are extremely high in nutrients that ducks need, and overconsumption of those nutrients will never bring any good for them. So, keep things moderate and ensure a healthy life for your ducks. 

Can Baby Ducks Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Yes, But be Cautious!

If you ask me, I wouldn’t recommend giving pumpkin seeds to baby ducks. Why? Well, baby ducks are quite sensitive little creatures. Pumpkin seeds might be nutritious, but they can actually cause choking issues for these little birds.

However, here’s an interesting thing to note – pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, which is essential for the growth and bone health of your baby ducks. So, if they consume it in the right amount, it could be really beneficial.

What is the right amount for baby ducks? Just 5 pumpkin seeds a day and they will be nicely blended in their diet. 

To make it safer for them, I suggest grinding the seeds before feeding them to the ducks. That way, you can avoid any potential choking problems.

Can Ducks Eat Pumpkin Seeds in Different Forms?

Not quite! Let’s know which form of pumpkin seeds are fine for ducks and which are not. 

  • Roasted Seeds: Roasted pumpkin seeds have cooking oil. It won’t bring any goods for your ducks. So, no to pumpkin seeds!
  • Raw Seeds: Raw seeds aren’t very well suggested for ducks. It can be fed to your adult ducks but not to baby birds. However, it will be best if you grind the seeds first and then give them to your baby ducks. They will go crazy over this!

Essential Nutrients In Pumpkin Seeds For Ducks

First, let’s have a walk through the nutritional composition of pumpkin seeds according to USDA.

NutritionAmount ( In every 100 g )
WaterNo water
Calories559 kcal
Carbohydrate54 g
Fiber18 g
Protein18 g
Fat 19.4 g
Sodium18 mg
Potassium919 mg
Vitamin C0.3 mg
Vitamin B-60.037 mg
Vitamin A, RAE3 µg
Vitamin A, IU62 IU
Nutritional table of pumpkin seeds

So, what do you notice? Aren’t they full of fats, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber? The only thing pumpkin seeds lack is water, but it doesn’t mean it’s a bad option for ducks. Rather, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin skin, and pumpkin flesh is also a great source of nutrients.

Pumpkin Seeds: A Powerful Verdict on Their 4 Notable Benefits

Pumpkin Seeds: A Powerful Verdict on Their Benefits

In truth, pumpkin seeds can be an excellent source of nutrition for duck food.

1. Carbohydrates For Strong Muscle

Stats claim that 54% of pumpkin seed is carbohydrate. That’s not a small amount! In general, ducks require up to 10% carbohydrates every day. In that case, 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates is good enough. Carbohydrates will keep them stronger and in top shape and also help increase muscle stability.

So, if the amount is fair, pumpkin seeds are amazing. If not, a nutritional imbalance will occur, and they may face health issues.

2. Fiber For Proper Digestion

Pumpkin seeds also come with a huge dietary fiber content. Fiber helps make ducks’ digestion system smoother. There’s no specific amount of fiber needed for the ducks every day. But 18% of pumpkin seeds are fiber – not a light deal at all!

3. Protein For Faster Growth

The most surprising and weird thing is that pumpkin seeds, which are usually considered a no-go for ducks due to choking risks, are actually a fantastic protein source. It’s quite amazing how something we’d be cautious about for ducks can be a healthy treat for baby ducks to grow up faster! Protein goodness!

4. Fat For Energy Boost

Pumpkin seeds are high in fat. Lipids are good for ducks and can assure good health in numerous ways, like increasing energy density. So, in this regard, pumpkin seeds are beneficial and as a duck owner, you are good to go with such nutritious foods.

In a nutshell, pumpkin seeds are quite a good addition to ensure a balanced diet, but as a nutritional snack only. Give it in ideal quantity, and it won’t do any harm.

But from very personal observation, I would say there’s literally no chance your ducks get ill by overconsuming pumpkin seeds. Wondering how? Keep reading. We’ll spill the beans later!

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Are There Any Health Risks of Pumpkin Seeds? In Reality, No!

If you Google the question, you may see many online portals claiming pumpkin seeds can cause constipation, digestive issues, or sometimes choking hazards. But for me, it won’t cause any trouble in real. Here’s my take on this statement.

The root cause that defines risks for ducks eating pumpkin seeds is improper quantity. Ok, let me be very clear. Pumpkin seeds are very light, 5 pumpkin seeds may weigh 1 gram. In this case, if you feed them 10 grams of pumpkin seeds, you’re giving them 50 seeds! Way too much to do any blunder!

However, for your kind information, bird seed can be a good option for your ducks if you are not comfortable with pumpkin seed. Your ducks gonna have seed mixes as their nutritious diet.

Feeding Pumpkin Seeds to Ducks: A Q&A Guide

We will make this discussion a Q&A. We will state some questions and answer them as well. All the answers will combine and clear up all your inquiries about this serving stuff and all. 

How Often Should Pumpkin Seeds Be Given?

Consider it a nutritious treat. And give it to them occasionally. I guess once or twice a week sounds just perfect.

When to give pumpkin seed to your ducks?

In general, specialists suggest feeding your ducks two times a day. The same theory remains for the pumpkin seeds here. The time will be in the morning and the evening. 

How much is considered an ideal quantity? 

This isn’t something to be really concerned about whether the wild ducks eat pumpkin seeds or the backyard ducks. I have said earlier that pumpkin seeds are lightweight and can be given plenty at a time. Anyway, 10 seeds a day won’t do any significant harm to adult ducks. For baby ducks, it should be half of the amount, like 5.

7 Steps To Serve Pumpkin Seeds

It’s pretty easy. The following serving steps might be handy in that discussion. 

  • Step 1: Buy a pumpkin from the nearest market. Be sure it is fresh. 
  • Step 2: Now, cut it and leave out all the seeds inside it.  
  • Step 3: Wash all the seeds with clean water to clear up all the pumpkin flesh left with the seeds. 
  • Step 4: Now dry it if you want. If you don’t dry it, it won’t cause any harm to adult ducks. 
  • Step 5: Chop the seeds into small pieces, like halves. You are now fine to give the seeds to adult ducks.
  • Step 6: For baby ducks, take a blender and blend all the seeds there. 
  • Step 7: Serve it on a plate or in a bowl and offer ducks in moderation to let them enjoy the essential vitamins, protein, and other nutrients.

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So, can ducks eat pumpkin seeds? Yes, pumpkin seeds are a safe occasional treat for ducks, and they’re OK for adult ducks to munch on. For little ducklings, it’s best to be a bit cautious and grind the seeds before serving. 

Oh, and you may hear cautionary tales about pumpkin seed excessive consumption creating difficulties. But it won’t gonna do severe damage, I guess. So don’t worry! If your feathered friends seemed bored with their usual meals, why not brighten up their day with some pumpkin seeds? They’ll thank you with endless chirps of joy!

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