Raising Quail on the Ground In a Coop

Raising quail on the ground in a coop is an enriching experience for both beginners and seasoned homesteaders. If you’re here to learn how to raise them on the ground, surprise! You’re in the right place!

But how to raise quail on the ground in a coop? First, choose the right quail breed like Coturnix quails. Next, set up a cozy coop with enough space, good ventilation, and strong protection against predators. Preparing the ground area is essential. Then, find a sunny spot with good drainage, and add extra fencing for safety. Provide a balanced diet and clean water daily, and ensure they have shade and shelter.

Would love to hear more from me? Let me guide you to raising quails on the ground with proper steps!

5 Main Benefits of a Ground in a Coop for Quail

First things first, I have to share why raising quail on the ground in a coop. I mean the beneficial parts to motivate you!

1. Increased Space and Freedom of Movement

Raising quail on the ground in a coop allows them to have much more space to move around and exhibit their natural behaviors compared to being confined to cages or aviaries. The extra space and ability to move freely can reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.

2. Access to Fresh Air and Sunlight

With access to an outdoor run area, quail raised on the ground can get plenty of fresh air and natural sunlight. This can boost their health and allow them to engage in natural behaviors like dust bathing.

3. Foraging Opportunities

When given access to the ground, quail can forage for insects, plants, and other edible items. This foraging activity is mentally stimulating and provides a nutritional boost to their diet.

4. Better Egg Production

Quail housed in more natural, less stressful environments tend to have better egg production rates compared to those confined in cages. The extra space, exercise, and ability to display natural behaviors can positively impact egg laying.

5. Easier Cleaning and Maintenance

A coop on the ground with a deep litter method can be easier to clean and maintain. It’s much better when compared to regularly cleaning out numerous small cages or aviaries.

How to Raise Quail on the Ground in a Coop? 8 Steps!

For me, raising quails on the ground is like letting them live in a natural environment. So, why not you? Step further to raise this way! Let me share all the steps from stretch to completion.

Step 1. Choosing the Right Quail Breed

First of all, select the perfect quail breed for ground-based coop living. For this, consider factors like egg-laying capacity, growth rate, and temperament.

For me, the Coturnix quail stole the show with its prolific egg production and fast growth for meat.

However, if you’re new to quail keeping or prefer a more laid-back flock, the Temmick breed might be a better fit. And for those braving cold climates, the Tibetan quail’s cold-hardiness is a game-changer.

Step 2. Setting Up the Coop

Creating a comfortable and secure home for your quail is essential.

Ensure there’s ample space, with at least one square foot per bird. Ventilation is key, as is insulation against extreme temperatures. Don’t forget to include nest boxes (1 per 3-4 hens) and roosting bars a few inches off the ground.

And trust me, opting for the deep litter method with plenty of bedding makes for happy quail and easier clean-up.

Step 3. Preparing the Ground Area

Before your quail moves in, it’s crucial to prep the outdoor space.

Clear away any hazards like sharp objects or toxic plants, and invest in sturdy fencing buried at least a foot deep to deter digging predators. Adding overhead netting or a roof will protect against aerial threats.

And don’t forget to provide shelters, dust bathing areas, and some greenery for cover – your quail will appreciate the extra comfort and security.

Step 4. Feeding and Watering

Keeping your quail well-fed and hydrated is essential for their health and productivity.

Ensure their diet includes 24-28% protein and 2.5-3% calcium, typically found in game bird or Purina quail feed. Supply a constant source of fresh, clean water and use appropriately-sized feeders and waterers placed around the pen for easy access.

Step 5. Breeding and Egg Collection

Maintaining the right male-to-female ratio is crucial for successful breeding. Aim for one male for every 3-4 hens to prevent overbreeding. 

To collect eggs, collect eggs 1-2 times per day to prevent hens from eating them. If you’re hatching your own stock, save and incubate fertilized eggs, checking their development regularly through candling.

Step 6. Health and Maintenance

Regular maintenance and observation are key to keeping your quail healthy and thriving. Quarantine and treat any new additions to the flock before introducing them, clean the coop, and replace litter regularly to prevent illness.

Keep an eye out for symptoms of illness like respiratory issues, and address any concerns to prevent spread within the flock.

Step 7. Harvesting and Processing

When it’s time to harvest meat birds, do so humanely and efficiently at around 8-10 weeks old. Cull, pluck, eviscerate, and chill the birds to ensure quality meat. 

Remember, for egg-laying hens, expect them to provide eggs for around 12-14 months before their production declines.

Step 8. Fixing Common Issues

Common issues like egg eating or feather picking can arise. But with some proactive measures and troubleshooting, you can keep your quail happy and healthy.

Don’t forget to collect eggs frequently to prevent egg eating, increase protein, and treat injuries to address feather picking. Also, monitor for predator intrusions regularly to reinforce coops and runs as needed.

Want to know more about this way of raising quail? Here’s a video to guide you!


Still, have questions to have a clear idea about raising quails on the ground? Check this Q&A section!

Q. What are the downsides of a ground coop?

The main concern is predator access. You’ll need a secure perimeter and may need to address potential issues like mud during wet weather or parasite buildup.

Q. Do quail need a dust bath area?

Yes! A shallow pan filled with sand or dust allows them to keep their feathers clean and healthy.

Q. Can quail live on sand?

Quail shouldn’t live on sand entirely. While they love sand for dust baths, their coop needs a solid floor covered with absorbent bedding for comfort and hygiene.

Bottom Line

Raising quail on the ground in a coop is a rewarding experience. It allows you to provide a natural and enriching environment for your flock. By following these eight simple steps, from choosing the right breed to addressing common issues, you’ll enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs & meat.

So, what are you waiting for? Gather your supplies, prepare the coop, and embark on this exciting journey of raising quail on the ground. With a little patience and attention to their needs, you’ll soon be reaping the rewards of your efforts.

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