Herbs for Duck

Herbs, a medicinal supplement for Ducks’ lives, is a story to be told. Herbs play a big role in boosting health as a natural medicine. So, herbs in the garden or the wild will make no difference while contributing to ducks’ health.

But are all the herbs for ducks safe? Yes, almost all of the herbs, but a few have some toxicity. Ducks will get aromatic flavors of different herbs, notably Chamomile, Thyme, and oregano. But they’ll hate Milkweed, Honeysuckle, and Nightshade the most! And researchers said there is the existence of heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury. So, be a little picky before feeding!

Today, I’ll give special attention to herbs’ health benefits and potential risks in ducks’ lives. Go a little further, and you’ll find something precious today!

Herbs For Ducks: Are Herbs Good For Ducks?

Certainly, garden herbs are good and work as macronutrients for ducks. Usually, it ensures better immunity, detoxifies, and keeps digestion and stress away.

According to NCBI, herbs or even spices have rich phytochemicals, which is a powerful antioxidant action. Why I am saying this is because of dietary and medical purposes. Your ducks, or even the wild ones outside, will get suitable natural medication.

Notably, I just love oregano and chamomile’s soothing properties that will work like magic for ducks’ health. But it’s also a requirement to exercise caution because of the toxicity in herbs. As we said, the heavy metals and some toxicity are the culprits here! Otherwise, herbs are all good!

A Natural Cure From Herbs: How It Contributes As A Herbal Treatment For Duck?

As an antibiotic in poultry farms, herbs can be a good attention seeker. Herbs or such flowering plants give noticeable medicinal benefits.

There are plenty of benefits, but I thought to develop some traditional views first. So, let me talk about this, and then I’ll give the usual benefits of feeding herbs to ducks.

Ancient Treatment

The National Library Of Medicine says that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses old wisdom for health care. This medicine is very old but still works well for people and even ducks. It’s especially during their herbs eating.

Feeding herbs to ducks is a cost-effective way to cure them in the garden. It’s a physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual healing concept. It’s a Hundred times better than any other regular treatment for unhealthy ducks.

Herbs For Poultry Parasitic Illness

If you want to feed some to your ducks, herbs can control poultry parasitic sicknesses. So, I think herbal medicinal drugs made of herbs can be a superior type of feed additive for ducks and gardens.

Phytobiotic Effect Of Herbs

After checking livestock research, using herbs has a big positive effect. Herbs contribute to the growth, performance, and digestion of Alabia ducks. So, I think herbs can be a good occasional treat for ducks.

Harmonize Body System

Your ducks get some other herbal treatment that I cannot miss talk about. The traditional practice of feeding herbs can also contribute to harmonizing the body systems. However, I also found ducks should take herbal treatments from herbs like

  1. Vitis Vinifera
  2. Asparagus racemosus
  3. Pueraria tuberosa
  4. Aloe vera
  5. Tulsi.

However, I will pick the best for ducks that boosts overall health.

Baby Ducks In The Garden: Do Ducklings Eat Herbs?

Of course, ducklings are good with herbs, weeds, or other types of greens, but ensure you slice or chop them. They have small beaks, so large herbs will cause suffocation or even trouble swallowing. And don’t feed them regularly; rather, moderately and occasionally.

My point is since ducks are developing their digestive system, let them eat safe and suitable herbs based on their size and age. I think Thyme, Parsley, Basil, Mint, or Coriander would be great for them. 

And please make sure there is no poisoning and toxicity in herbs. Although adults can take it, ducklings won’t!

What Herbs Can Ducks Eat? Talking About 7 Safest Herbs!

What Herbs Can Ducks Eat?

Ducks are natural foragers who may look for food sources, including herbs. Or you can even feed them in the garden. 

Although they can swallow the majority of herbs or other plants, I found 7 herbs as the safest and healthiest! Let’s talk about them.

1. Basil – A Tender Green For Duck!


With a delightful flavor, basil can be a part of ducks’ diet. Such herbs have plenty of essentials so your ducks will get a big boost. For the feathered friend in the yard or in the wild, let’s see how it benefits the duck’s health.

  • Boost Immunity System: Vitamins and antioxidants in basil significantly benefit immunity.
  • Combat Oxidative Stress: Your duck’s oxidative stress gets lessened due to the presence of an antioxidant. It’s called eugenol in basil.
  • Reduce Inflammation: If you feed some basil from the garden, your ducks will have good overall health and reduced inflammation.
  • Keep Ducks House Safe: If you have basil in the garden for ducks, it will repel rodents, bugs, or pests from the duck’s coop.

Safety Note: Basil is all good, but check about estragole, which is a chemical, and giving high doses is considered a narcotic. Or there is a chance of having heavy metals in it. So, be careful!

2. Thyme – Feed The Leaves Most!


Thyme is another safe herb for ducks that you can give but obviously in a decent amount. Significantly your ducks will have aromatic compounds from such herbs. It’s thymol that ensures ducks’ better health. Besides, you’ll find more magical facts if you feed thyme to your ducks.

  • Safe Digestion: Providing a decent quantity can make sure your duck’s digestion runs well.
  • The Magical Antibacterial Properties: Thyme is called a natural antibacterial or medicine for ducks’ sickness. It will easily kill the bacteria and keep the duck protected from poultry bacterial infections.
  • Works As Repellent: Thyme has a strong smell that can remove the insects or rodents in the garden. You may rub the leaves on your duck’s skin and the garden will be free of rodents of insects.
  • Removing Mold: Thyme has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. So, it must be a good addition to your duck’s diet without making it moldy.

Safety Note: According to Sage Journals, taking high doses of antioxidants from thymes may restrict the beneficial facts and can become toxic. So, feed only a decent amount.

3. Oregano – A Natural Antibiotic And Antifungal herb!


Oregano is perfect natural antibiotic for duck’s health. Feeding some oregano from the garden won’t be a bad idea whenever the ducks require antioxidants. 

However, whether you feed raw, cooked, or dry form, ducks are safe and good with that. Now, the question is, what’s healthy here?

  • It’s A Natural Antibiotic: In oregano oil, there are two powerful components: thymol and carvacrol. So, herbs have antibacterial and antifungal properties. And you can give oregano to your poultry farm for a nutritional boost with natural antibiotics.
  • Antioxidant Presence: You’ll find Rosmarinic acid, which is an antioxidant that safeguards the ducks’ cells from being damaged by free radicals. 

Besides, Based on the NCBI study, dried oregano powder was fed for productivity. IIt helps the antioxidants (GPx and SOD) in a good way. It makes the meat lose less water when cooked. Also, lowers TBARS values in the duck’s breast meat.

  • Stress Reliever: The aromatic properties in oregano can be a stress reliever. Give it to ducks! They need relaxation as well.
  • Boost Immunity System: Oregano has antioxidants so the ducks will get a boost in their immunity system.
  • Antimicrobial Component: The antimicrobial elements in oregano can combat toxic microorganisms. So, I personally advise you to grow some in the garden and cook it for your duck and yourself.
  • Improved Digestion: Similar to other herbs, oregano also plays the role of ensuring better digestion of ducks.

Safety Note: Taking large doses of oregano can be lethal for ducks and may cause diuretic effects. So, feed in moderation!

4. Rosemary – Safe Shrub With Fragrance


Ducks like mallards or muscovy are herb lovers, as I found. Rosemary herbs not only work as a healthy diet treat but also as a deodorizer, pain healer, or even for respiratory support for poultries or ducks. 

You can even add it as an insect repellent to keep the yard clean. Besides, your waterfowl will get benefits like:

  • Stress Lessener: Trust me! Rosemary is a popular stress healer of ducks! Feeding ducks or geese, rosemary can relax them, particularly during egg production.
  • Protects From Free Radicals: The rich antioxidants in rosemary have contribution too. It prevent the duck’s cells from getting damaged by free radicals.
  • Good Digestion: Ducks always need proper digestion, and they’ll have it if they consume rosemary.
  • No Respiratory Issue: To heal your ducks from breathing issues or lung problems, rosemary is a good herb. It actually caused by Riemerella bacteria. So, keep them safe by feeding some from your garden, or you can leave them to eat as a forager.
  • Alleviate Pains: Rosemary herb is a healer of any ache or pain in a duck’s body. Feed in moderation and see the magic!

Safety Notes: Rosemary plants may have polyphenols, flavonoids, diterpenes, and high levels of salicylates. So, don’t feed excessively!

5. Chamomile – Fowls Like The Daisy-Like Plants!


So, you’re thinking about chamomile for ducks, right? Ducks just love to nibble such herbs. Although it seems ducks won’t eat, don’t forget they are omnivores and opportunist foragers. 

Usually, such flowery herbs have 1 or 2% of volatile oils where you’ll find antiphlogistic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, I found it completely safe so let’s see how it benefits the waterfowl’s health.

  • Reduce Stress: The way we feel stressed, ducks may have the condition. And chamomile is a healer here! The natural compounds in it relax them.
  • Decrease Abdominal Fat: Based on the Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, Supplementing chamomile flower herb in the Pekin duck’s diet is good. It helps to reduce the carcass belly fat.

It’s when in comparison to control groups. And there is a big impact on the health of Sudani ducklings, notably during their growing time.

  • Chemical Compound For Digestion: Chamomile has apigenin that gives antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. It soothes digestion trouble and improves immunity.

Safety Note: Don’t overfeed Chamomile! It will have a negative effect, and your duck will surely face gastrointestinal trouble.

6. Parsley – Perfect Garden Pick For Ducks


Another safe herb for ducks is garden parsley. So, don’t worry when the ducks are seeking food and eat parsley. Just be a little careful about their overconsumption. However, whether fresh or dry, parsley is good when given in moderation.

Now what are the beneficial aspects here? Take a look!

  • Improved Overall Health: Vitamins and minerals in parsley can keep digestion healthy. Also, it makes the heart and bone healthy, and safeguard from free radicals.
  • Better Immunity: If you feed some parsley to ducks, they’ll get an immunity boost. In fact, most of herbs play the same role!
  • Reduce oxidative Stress: Parsley has antioxidants known as flavonoids and carotenoids. Both of them contribute to the duck’s health and keep their oxidative stress away.

Safety Note: If you grow parsley in the garden, ensure there are no pesticides in it. It will surely cause toxicosis in ducks.

And as I already said, keep your eyes open when they eat herbs because of heavy metals. Almost all the herbs have it but some of them have excessive. According to the Journal Of Chemistry Letters, levels of metals are higher than standard in parsley. So, it can be unhealthy when you overdo it.

7. Mint – In Moderation Is Good!


The most common herb we use for medicinal purposes is mint. But can ducks eat mint? Certainly, ducks just love the aromatic smell and the flavor of such herbs. 

So, whether you grow such herbs or buy them to feed your duck, ensure you provide a decent amount. I would say offer the leftover mint from the kitchen. No need to spend an extra penny.

However, if you feed some mint to your duck, they’ll have multiple health benefits such as:

  • Cool Down During Summertime: This confirms that the duck becomes dehydrated during summertime. In fact, herbs are a great source of hydration. 

However, if you add some mint leaves or stems with cold water, their body temperature remains stable. Well, what actually happens is a high amount of menthol, notably in peppermint gove a chilling effect on body cells.

  • Work As An Antibiotic: According to Intech Open, the essential oil of mint has an antibacterial work against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive. So, it can be used as an antibiotic. I think any wounds or cuts in ducks’ bodies can be cured by antibiotics made of mint.
  • Better Digestion: Same as other herbs! Consuming mint keeps the digestion ideal.
  • Boost Immunity: The presence of rich vitamin A in mint leaves is a contributor to keeping eyesight better along with a good immune system. It also ensures the bone and feather condition is well. Calcium also helps with bone growth, particularly for ducklings.
  • Saves From Free Radical: Your ducks are having something magical when they eat mint. It makes healthy teeth and gums and notably prevents hazardous free radical damage in tissue, cells, organs, and body systems.

Safety Note: Giving a high dose of mint, particularly perilla mint, can be toxic for ducks. So, avoid this one.

Nutrition In Herbs: How Ducks Get A Boost?

So, I am done sharing the best herbs in the ducks supplement part. But don’t you think knowing the quantity of nutrients in herbs you choose for ducks is crucial? Check it out!

Types Of HerbsWaterProteinFatCarbohydrateVitamin A
Basil92.1 g3.15 g0.64 g2.65 g264 µg
Thyme65.1 g5.56 g1.68 g24.4 g238 µg
Dried Oregano9.93 g9 g4.28 g68.9 g85 µg
Rosemary67.8 g3.31 g5.86 g20.7 g146 µg
Chamomile99.7 gn/an/a0.2 g1 µg
Parsley87.7 g2.97 g0.79 g6.33 g421 µg
Mint (Pepper)78.6 g3.75 g0.94 g14.9 g212 µg
Herbs and Their Nutritions

Sorry for not finding the USDA-based data on fresh chamomile. Therefore, I have included the chamomile tea’s nutritional value. I don’t think your ducks will hate taking a sip of chamomile tea.

5 Unsafe Herbs: What Herbs Can Ducks Not Eat?

What Herbs Can Ducks Not Eat?

Now, think about your duck’s safety. Ducks are foragers so they accidentally eat toxic herbs. Which is a big problem! Therefore, if you leave your ducks alone, at least monitor what they eat. However, I found 5 unsafe herbs for ducks.

1. Milkweed – Risky Butterfly Flower


Ducks are innocent enough who don’t even have any idea about their health risks. So, they may eat the poisonous milkweed. It’s even toxic for humans as well. 

The problem here is glucosidic components called cardenolides. However, you may notice that monarch butterfly caterpillars may eat such milkweed herbs. Now, what are the problems ducks may face if they accidentally consume some?

  • Digestion Trouble: If ducks eat milkweed accidentally, they may face gastrointestinal trouble along with experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.
  • Cardia Effect: Milkweed has cardiac glycosides that trigger ducks’ heart function. You may see cardio arrhythmias, heartbeat rhythm problems, or even heart failure in ducks. So, be careful while the forage is in the garden where the milkweed is there.
  • Nervous System Difficulties: Accidental consumption of milkweed by ducks will potentially cause neurological symptoms like tremors or weakness.
  • Respiratory Trouble: Please don’t let them ingest milkweed. It may also cause respiratory problems, including oxygen intake trouble.

2. Pennyroyal – Avoid This Mosquito Plant


Sadly, I just hate to see pennyroyal herbs in my yard because my ducks visit there. The problem is pennyroyal oil has toxicity that can cause poisoning. In the case of human beings, it causes multiorgan failure or even death. 

So, ducks are in big trouble if they consume some! Anyway, take a look at the problems here!

  • Digestion Difficulties: As it’s unhealthy and tough to digest for ducks, it will cause digestion problems for sure.
  • Liver Damage: Researchers say pennyroyal have pulegone that may cause liver toxicity. In the end, your ducks will have damaged liver or problematic liver functioning. So, keep them safe from such herbs.
  • Pennyroyal Cause Abortifacient Effect: A sad truth is if ducks swallow such herbs, it may cause miscarriages or uterine contractions. Here the problem is emmenagogue properties. Also, they encounter troubles when they lay eggs.
  • Respiratory Problem: Ducks, whether in the wild or at home, ducks’ health gets upset due to the bacteria called Riemerella. Unfortunately, the oil in pennyroyal herb can cause problems in the respiratory tract.
  • Nervous System Concerns: Like milkweed, ducks may have neurological symptoms if they consume such toxic herbs.

3. Honeysuckle – A Low Toxic North American Plant!


Not high in toxicity, but I consider it unsafe for ducks. Because there are some uncertainties or potential risks available. If you’re considering growing some herbs in the garden, go for something else.

Although you know some of the honeysuckle species are safe for ducks. However, let’s see what’s bad here!

  • May Work Like A Toxin: Some honeysuckle species are toxic for birds like ducks. For example, it may cause digestion problems, liver or other organ problems. So, I prefer not to give it or even let the duck consume some from the garden.
  • Interrupt In Ducks Growth: Unfortunately, some species have glycosides in the stems or vines. And they may harm the duck if they consume it accidentally.

Good Notes: One thing I cannot keep in myself is that honeysuckle flowers have sweet nectar, edible for ducks. And the fruit you’ll find is actually berry, which is mildly poisonous.

4. Foxglove – Avoid It!


Although considered a popular garden plant in North America, foxglove or Digitalis herbs not gonna be good for ducks. Trust me, such herbs work as pharmaceutical manufacturers nowadays. Foxglove glycosides are a good option to treat congestive heart failure or other health concerns. But unfortunately, not for ducks. However, the negatives are given below.

  • Cardiac Problem: The existence of glycosides in foxglove can cause heartbeat problems, heart failure, or arrhythmias in ducks.
  • Problem With The Nervous System: The toxicity in such herbs is a reason to cause neurotic symptoms in ducks. Notably, convulsions, weakness, and tremors may potentially cause ducks’ monocular tetrachromatic vision.
  • Respiratory Or Digestion Trouble: I think most unsafe herbs are going to affect nearly in the same way. So, consuming such herbs or plants may cause digestion and respiratory problems.

5. Nightshade – Deadly Herbaceous Plant!


You may not know that nightshade herbs, also known as Atropa Belladonna, is a deadly plant for ducks. Every single part of such herbs is toxic. Researchers found alkaloids in the roots, leaves, and in fruits. 

However, your ducks may even die from the poisonous elements. So, let’s see what’s disadvantageous here!

  • Alkaloid Toxic: Nightshade plants usually have alkaloids called atropine or solanine. Such elements impact your duck’s overall health.
  • Problem In Nervous System: Ingesting nightshade family herbs can be a toxic thing that potentially causes neurological symptoms. It can be tremors, convulsions, or seizure problems in ducks.
  • Digestion, Respiratory, And Muscle Problems: The deadly nightshades are quite risky for the duck’s health. Although most unsafe herbs cause digestion, respiratory, or muscle weakness, This herb is a massive problem!

What Parts Of Plants Considered As Herbs? Starting From The Root!

Our discussion about safe and unsafe plants or herbs is done. But I am not done yet! I think I need to introduce you to the safe and unsafe parts of herbs for your ducks.

  • Roots: Ducks are good with herb roots. But avoid the herb roots of toxic plants. It’s risky for the yard duck.
  • Leaves: They can eat certain herb leaves like basil or parsley. They get a flavor and some nutrition as well. However, avoid the toxic herb leaves like foxglove, milkweed, pennyroyal, poison ivy, oak, hemlock, and some other toxic leaves.
  • Flowers: Yes, I suggest feeding some chamomile, dandelion, or calendula flowers. But not all the flowers are safe.
  • Seeds: You may know ducks have problems with seeds or pits. But you are good to give sunflower or dill herb seeds. It’s suitable!
  • Root Bark: Avoid it. There might be some poisonous thing in it. And if ducks somehow consume it, you may see the health problem within 1 or 2 hours.
  • Inner Bark: I don’t think so. Consuming fallen branches, barks, or Phloem also known as cambium, is unsafe for ducks. Better if you give them fresh herb leaves.
  • Resin: Resins are basically dried sap from any tree. Although it’s used for medicinal purposes, ducks are uncomfortable with it. They face digestion trouble.
  • Pericarp: The pericarp is an outer husk or layer of fruits, seeds, or nuts. So, it must be tough for them to consume. Don’t feed it. But if it’s soft, they are good to go!

How Can You Feed Herbs To Ducks? Impressive Serving Ideas!

How Can You Feed Herbs To Ducks?

Your omnivore ducks have foraging behavior as I said earlier. So, they’ll love ingest herbs from the garden or the wild. But I want to give some ideas about serving and feeding.

  1. Fresh And Whole: You can feed herbs fresh and whole but make sure you clean them before feeding.
  2. Chopping Or Shredding: It’s a great idea! Just chop or shred the herbs when providing them to ducks.
  3. Sprinkled The Dry Form: Ducks have foraging behavior, so serving dry herbs or even fresh herbs in the garden is great. Go for it!
  4. Hand-Feed: Feeding with your hand can be a way to make a good bond with your backyard pal.
  5. Spotting Herb Bunches: You can find a safe spot to feed a bunch of herbs to your ducks.
  6. Growing Herbs In The Garden: It’s a good idea to grow some herbs in the garden for yourself and your ducks. Herbs are medicinal things, so I think you’ll get benefits.

Recommended Reading: Plant Diet For Ducks

Final Verdict

In short, herbs for ducks are good nourishment as a supplement. I suggest growing some herbs in the garden and letting them feed independently. But please do monitor what they eat and how much they eat.

But you don’t need to keep any other herbs except for the list we gave. Because all of them are research-based safe herbs for avians. And please avoid the parts we said are toxic for your ducks. Besides, follow the serving and feeding tips I included. Your ducks will safely have some aromatic flavor from such herbs.

Sources And References:

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92773/
  • http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd33/5/3362tinti.html

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