How Do You Fix Wry Neck In Duck

Wry Neck (also known as torticollis) in Ducklings might look strange. It also can lead your ducklings to be paralyzed and can’t walk properly. It can be fatal, too! 

So, how do you fix wry neck in ducks? Basically, a balanced diet is what will stop your ducks from having a wry neck. Introduce natural sources of vitamin E, selenium, and molasses to their diet and look up whether or not they’re recovering. If they still do not recover, it’s time to call a vet. 

An in-depth knowledge of what a wry neck is and why it happens will help you to understand the matter better. We have dietary advice here to make an initial treatment of the problem. Keep on reading to know more about the disease. 

How Do You Fix Wry Neck In Ducks? Understanding the Problem and Consequences

How Do You Fix Wry Neck In Ducks?

Wry neck is also referred to as ‘crookneck’ or ‘stargazing.’ It is a condition that can affect ducks and other poultry. 

What might it look like? It’s characterized by an unusual twisting or bending of the neck, which seems like the affected birds are gazing at the stars. 

This condition can be distressing for both the birds and their caregivers. When it happens to ducks, especially ducklings, a wry neck can be fatal if not treated. 

They can’t lift their heads and struggle to walk, and there’s a risk of paralysis. Some experts say that a few ducklings have even died from this condition.

4 Reasons Why Ducks are Suffering from Wry Necks 

There are several reasons that might be behind a wry neck in your ducks. Let’s get to know all these. 

1. Nutritional Deficiency

The first and the most important cause of wry neck in ducks is nutritional deficiency. Ducks need the right vitamins and minerals to grow properly and have strong heart and bone health. Vitamin E and selenium are particularly good for your ducks’ neck health. 

If they don’t get enough of these nutrients, it might lead to a nutritional deficiency, causing wry necks. 

2. Head Injuries

Sometimes, the reason might be an accident or injury to the head. These things can cause a duck’s neck to twist or bend oddly. This can happen if they bump into things or have a fall. 

3. Infection

Neck infection might lead to a wry neck, too. Besides showing abnormal head movement, their entire body movement might be lower except for the legs. They might only move their legs but can’t move their body due to a lack of body balance. 

Certain illnesses, such as botulism and infections, can affect a duck’s nervous system. As the nervous system also controls the neck muscle, when it happens, it can result in a wry neck.  

4. Stress and Toxin

Ducks that are stressed out or exposed to harmful substances might have wry necks. So, keep their environment neat and clean. Mainly, their place should have no chemical compounds. 

However, in some cases, a wry neck might be related to genes like muscovy. 

Recommended Article: Stress in Ducks

Treating Duck Wry Neck: 5 Tips to Keep in Mind

Here’s how you will help them recover their wry neck. 

Tip 1: Separate the Duck

If you notice a duck in your flock with a wry neck, the first step is to separate the affected duck from the others gently. This helps reduce stress and ensures that the duck can receive special care. If they’re doing this for being stressed, it will help them to come out of stress. 

Tip 2: Make A Neck Brace

First, wait a couple of hours to check if they’re okay. If they seem fine, you can make a gentle neck brace for them using tissue or cotton. Wrap it around their neck carefully so it stays in place.

Tip 3: Ensure Uninterrupted Eating and Drinking

Ensure Uninterrupted Eating and Drinking

Your ducks have to be fed very carefully. Make sure they’re eating regularly and there is no interruption. It’s most likely to happen that your ducks might face trouble eating. 

In that case, you have to hand-feed them. Experienced duck owners usually suggest you should hand feed your ducks.  To do this, dip its beak into a small dish of water. Avoid using an eyedropper as it can cause aspiration.

Tip 4: Incorporate Molasses

Molasses is a helpful addition to the duck’s diet as it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Include molasses in their food to provide additional support during their recovery. 

Tip 5: Ensure Natural Sources of Vitamin E

Ensure Natural Sources of Vitamin E

Completely relying on Vitamin E supplements might not always be possible. Focus on adding natural sources of Vitamin E to your duck’s diet. Many of these sources also contain selenium as well, which can be beneficial. 

Here are some herbs and leafy greens high in Vitamin E:

  • Basil
  • Cayenne Powder
  • Cloves
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Sage
  • Thyme

Other additional sources of Vitamin E can also be in your duck’s diet, such as

Additional sources of Vitamin E can also be in your duck's diet
  • Alfalfa, 
  • Dandelion, 
  • Nettle, 
  • Raspberry leaf
  • Rose hips

In addition, spinach, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, squash, fish, and olive oil can also be a good source of Vitamin E and make good supplements.

Be Patience! 

Remember that the wry neck treatment can take 10 days to several weeks. You shouldn’t expect any immediate results. Keep an eye on them and see if their necks are recovering.  The key is to be patient and consistent with the care and dietary adjustments.

Related Articles:

Here’s a video of a duckling suffering from a wry neck and recovering in 10 days: 

How to Prevent Wry Necks in Ducks?

How to Prevent Wry Necks in Ducks?

Here’s how you can prevent your ducks from suffering from Wry Necks. 

  1. Ensure your ducks, especially ducklings, have a balanced diet especially rich in Vitamin E and Selenium. 
  2. Keep them in a safe environment. Their living area has to be neat and clean. Plus, make sure ducks aren’t facing any hazards while bumping into things. This will keep them safe from head injury. 
  3. Provide them with fresh and clean water for them. It will reduce the risk of being infected and exposed to harmful exposures. 
  4. Keep an eye on their health. If they show anything abnormal, contact a vet immediately. 

Please remember one thing. Ducklings are more prone to wry neck sickness. So, keep an eye on this adorable little creature and ensure a proper diet for them. 

Suggested Article: Common Duck Diseases

Bottom Line

Wry necks in ducks have to be considered seriously. It can be fatal if not taken care of earlier. Incorporate natural sources of vitamin E in their diet, make a neck brace for them, and keep it in their necks. Do not lose patience, as the treatment may take longer.  Contact a vet in a difficult situation. 

Wry Neck can be prevented by providing a neat and clean environment, adequate space, and proper diet. A nutritious diet will keep them safe from many diseases and health complications. 

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