What to Feed Duck at the Park

Feeding a charming group of ducks waddling around in a park is an adorable scene. But what you bring to the park isn’t good for ducks.

So, what to feed ducks at the park? Don’t feed processed snacks, like chips, crackers, and ice cream bars, to the ducks. But it’s okay to offer some green veggies or fruits. Bring those that are light to carry and feed them. Avoid giving them whatever you have on hand because you may have a pretzel or candy apples in your hand. 

I know this answer needs a brief elaboration, and you’ll find it in this article with a clear picture. Just keep patience and read!

What to Feed Ducks at the Park? 3 Categories to Avoid

Feed Ducks at the Park
Whatever you give to the ducks, they will eat it. Especially in the park

My answer is that processed human food doesn’t bring any nutritional benefits to ducks. So, in the park, the foods that are available shouldn’t be fed.

Whatever you give to the ducks, they will eat it. Especially in the park, you may see wild ducks a lot. They will literally go crazy when you give them something. But what you see might not be the right representation of reality. We will know it now.

We will discuss park food for ducks based on three categories. That is processed snacks, cooked food, and baked foods. Let’s have them all explained one by one, with instant examples.

Category 1: Processed Snacks (Not a Wise Pick)

Processed Snacks

By calling it processed snacks, I have meant food stuff we bring from departmental or fast food stores that are packed. For a better understanding, here’s a short list of some processed snacks:

  1. Crackers
  2. Ice Cream Bar
  3. Cotton Candy
  4. Fried chickens
  5. Popcorn
  6. Hot dogs
  7. Pretzels

See, I’m not saying they won’t eat them. Wild ducks are known to consume various foods. But they don’t offer any significant health backup. Instead, these can cause health problems because of carrying added sugars, salt, and spices. Plus, some of them have been cooked in cooking oil. 

Ducks should not take any foods that are cooked in cooking oil. They may face gastronomical problems or digestive difficulties.

Now, let’s have a nutrient analysis of 5 popular food choices when you’re at the park. All these are collected from the food database maintained by the US Department of Agriculture.

Ice Cream Bar11.9 g25.8 g5.62 g55.1 gRisky
Fried chickens4.35 g13.5 g32.547.9Okay
Popcorn21.2 g21.7 g17.7 g35.6 gToo Risky
Hot dogs23.4 g0.46 g1.5 g71.6Okay
Pretzels69.4 g3.1 g8.215 gToo risky
Hamburger44.9 g4.38 g12.4 g35.9 gCan Cause Choking Trouble
French Fries42.6 g15.5 g3.41 g36.6 gRisky
Nutritional Chart of 5 Processed Snacks

Based on my research, I’ve noticed that lots of packaged snacks like chips, crackers, and popcorn have high sugar or carb content. Fast food items from places like McDonald’s or KFC are often very fatty and carb-heavy. 

It’s best not to give these to them. If you do, make sure to break the food into smaller pieces for easy digestion and to avoid choking. 

Category 2: Cooked Foods (Not a Park Food Though!)

cooked food

See, in general, you won’t find cooked food in parks. However, boiled eggs might be offered if you refer to boiled food as cooked food. Alternatively, you can give them boiled rice. However, in reality, it’s unlikely to occur!

Category 3: Baked Foods (Fatty and Sugary)

Baked Foods

Baked foods might have been found in the park. Baked foods, too, aren’t good for ducks. Let’s have a look at the list below:

  1. Bread.
  2. Cakes
  3. Chocolate
  4. Cookies
  5. Custard
  6. Frozen Desserts.

These foods aren’t good for ducks all in all. Let’s have a look at the short elaboration on why they aren’t suitable.

Cakes and Cookies:

Some baked foods can cause nutritional imbalances. They can be given; they aren’t fatal in general, but they don’t bring any necessary nutrients ducks need for their well-being.

These foods are sugary and can be tagged as fatty treats for your feathered friends. For example, cakes and cookies.


A big no for chocolates when it comes to giving to ducks. It comes with theobromine, which is a toxic component. This substance can be fatal for ducks and other avian creatures. 

Chocolates should never be considered for ducks. I’m saying it again, never feed chocolate to birds, be it backyard ducks or wild birds.

Custard and Bread:

Custard, a dairy-based dessert, is inappropriate for ducks. It may not be a good choice for their digestive systems and could cause digestive issues and discomfort. Even experienced ducks owners too, suggest ducks do eat bread, but it doesn’t bring any good for them. Here’s a video of a wild duck eating bread:

On the other hand, ducks can eat bread in moderation. But see, excessive amounts of bread can also lead to nutritional imbalances and water decay. So, no to bread as well. 

Now, a question: will ducks face serious health issues If you give them bread in a very tiny amount?

See, it may not harm them. But if ten individuals like you at a park give them bread and other baked stuff to them, it will create a big picture of health trouble for them.

Related Readings:

What to Feed Baby Ducks at Park?

I guess this answer is pretty clear to you already. I’m not suggesting any park foods to your ducks. Now, what adult ducks won’t consume, how come baby ducks consume these? So, this is quite a short discussion. I won’t recommend any park foods to ducklings as well.

The categories mentioned above are all park foods, at least potentially. 

5 Fruits And Vegetables to Feed Ducks at the Park

Now, you may ask, if nothing is recommended for ducks, what do ducks eat in the park? Well, here’s my answer with all the other necessary details. 

What to feed ducks at the park? Green Veggies and fruits are ideal picks. However, vegetables are always preferred over fruits. Because veggies are less likely to cause any significant harm to their body. When you go to the park, bring some veggies for them and give them those. 

Here are our top 5 vegetable picks: 

  1. Lettuce
  2. Kale 
  3. Collards
  4. Cabbage
  5. Spinach

Have our extended list of veggies for ducks here: What Vegetable Ducks Can Eat?

Here are our top 5 fruits for our adorable park friends:

  1. Watermelons
  2. Cherries 
  3. Apples
  4. Bananas
  5. Peaches

Do not feed them the entire part of the fruits. Feed them the flesh parts mainly, and avoid seeds and stems to prevent choking troubles.

Know more fruits ducks can eat from here: Can Ducks Eat Fruits?

3 Precautions to Follow While Feeding Ducks in Park

Precautions to Follow While Feeding Ducks
Please avoid throwing trash, plastic, or other non-natural items

There are precautions you should follow while walking through a park. Following these precautions will save your natural friends like ducks a million times. 

  1. Do not throw your unfinished ice cream, crackers, or popcorn in the park. It will pollute the environment first. Secondly, ducks will consume these, and they may face health consequences. 
  2. Ducks are reckless eaters. They go crazy when they find something and show eagerness when someone offers them something. It can cause nutritional imbalances, obesity, and other health issues. 
  3. Please avoid throwing trash, plastic, or other non-natural items into the water. It is because these waters will be ingested by ducks and cause harm to their digestive systems.

Recommended Reading:

Bottom Line

The ultimate takeaway is that all kinds of food typically found in the park are not beneficial for ducks. These foods lack nutritional value as well. Therefore, I suggest that ducks should avoid consuming processed snacks, cooked dishes with spices, or baked goods. Instead, feed them green veggies and fruits that are light to carry while going to parks.

However, it’s essential not to scatter unfinished food around the park, especially not in the water. This practice pollutes the water, and if ducks consume it, they could experience health problems.

Sources and References:

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6019593

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