10 Common Parasites In Ducks

Waterfowl or ducks have a deep connection to parasites, and that’s why, most often, they carry parasites in the body. Among small varieties, I found 10 common parasites in ducks that cause irritation and health issues in them. The notable ones are:

  1. Various worms
  2. Coccidia
  3. Duck Mites
  4. Duck Lice
  5. Trichomoniasis
  6. Leech Parasitism
  7. Fleas
  8. Ticks
  9. Giardia
  10. Mosquitoes, etc.

My extensive research found either these parasites live inside or outside. So, I discussed parasite-identifying ways along with preventing and treating tips.

What Are The Common Parasites In Ducks? A Clear Understanding!

Parasites are a natural thing in ducks and are categorized into two groups. One is internal, and the other one is external.

Among all the parasites found in ducks’ bodies, the roundworm is known as the most notable internal parasite. Body lice are external parasites; this is what I found from a study by the NSW Govt Site about livestock. Other parasitic attack is also seen besides the external ones, and I am gonna introduce all of them to you.

1. Parasitic Worms

In the category of internal parasites, worms (Nematodes) are the most common that infects ducks. But what type of worms target the ducks mostly?


Ducks have parasites, and most of them commonly have parasites like old roundworms. From baby ducks to adult ducks, they can block your duck’s intestines and mucus production, which causes watery or slimy droppings in ducks.

Besides, ducks’ growth gets hampered, reduced egg production, diarrhea, and loss of weight, and they’ll possibly get anemia. It’s basically for all types of worm parasites that make them encounter such issues.

However, the environmental condition, food, and water that helps such worms to contaminate. Sadly, it can be transmitted to humans as well while keeping ducks for treatment.


Another type of parasite gets attached to ducks’ bodies and targets ducks’ gastrointestinal tract walls. They get nutrients and blood from ducks’ bodies.


Living in ducks’ windpipes, intestines get affected by gapeworms. Surprisingly, such worms lay eggs too fast inside the fowl’s body. When high in number inside the duck’s body, they can even die!

I found most young ducks around 8 weeks are prone to get infected by this parasite. When ducks live with gapeworms, it makes them lose weight and cause awkward quacking noise.

However, the actual truth is gapeworms are quite rare. The expert poultry owners have discussed it in a good manner.


Ducks are foragers, and ducks eat worms, insects, and other creatures from the ground or water. But they never know that these free meals are already infected by parasites called threadworms or a Capillaria species.

But how do ducks get such threadworms or pinworms? Well, it’s by the larvae of worms that migrate to ducks intestine; they grow, mate, and hurt the ducks in the wild or even in the yard.

Although we used to know ducks control worm population, excessive production at least take a chance to hurt them.


Nematomorpha or Horsehair worms are another type of parasite that can trigger ducks from inland waters or water plants. In the same way that other worms enter into duck bodies, hairworms or Gordian worms are no different.

Ducks usually get it from insects that are affected by such parasites. When the worms lay eggs, they pass on most insects, crayfish, snails, frogs, and other creatures.

Gizzard Worms:

When ducks are in unsanitary conditions, they’re more likely to have a type of worm called gizzard worms. Thin worms called Amidostomum anseris can be approximately 2 cm long and tend to trigger the geese more than ducks.

Basically, ducks have a muscular sac in their stomach that we call Gizzard, and the worms target this part. Until they grow a lot in body, it won’t create any serious threat. But when worms are high in number, they can even kill the duck when ducks take contaminated food.

However, if you see ducks have jaundice, anemia, or losing weight, take them to the vet.

Cecal Worm:

Ducks are geese that are often affected by cecal worms, which are a type of white intestinal worm. It can cause severe infection, depression, and less egg production.

Additionally, such worms can transmit microscopic protozoans named Histomonas meleagridas to birds through the eggs.

Flukes Or Flatworms:

Most worms contaminate through water, food, and surfaces. So, the flukes or flatworms follow the same path to affect the duck. Such worms target the intestine, gallbladder, or liver.

We used to know ducks eat worms for enjoyment. But when the population is excessive, they surprisingly target the duck’s body and make them sick. Such worms can be transmitted to humans and cause cercarial dermatitis.

2. Coccidia (Protozoan Parasitic Attack)

Except for different parasitic attacks, Coccidiosis is another protozoan parasite that targets the intestinal tract. It can transmit to poultry ducks body and make them have illnesses such as:

  • Ruffled feathers with depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Blood or orange mucus in their feces
  • Ducks become pale
  • Change in body weight due to high pathogenic strains of coccidia.

According to NCBI research, Coccidia oocysts were found in the ileum scrapings of male mallard ducks aged around 6 weeks. Also, one out of five was 10 weeks, and three out of five were 12 weeks. Also, there were no proven lesions in the intestinal mucosa.

3. Duck Mites

Known as an external parasite, ducks have this in their feathers, and ducks’ skin, dust, debris, and oil are the reason that attracts them. But what ducks might face when mites trigger them?

If the feather mites are numerous in number, you may see health issues like:

  • Swollen or red legs
  • Skin irritation
  • Feather loss.
  • Potential death because of red poultry mites.

Forget to mention, ducks not only have one kind of mite, but they can also have:

  • Deadly red poultry mite
  • Northern fowl mite
  • Depluming mite
  • Scaly leg mite.

Recommended Article: All About Duck Mites

4. Duck Lice

If you have backyard ducks who visit the water to swim or roam around soil areas, they’ll get lice. Lice are wingless parasites that prefer to stay in ducks’ bodies. It does the same! Feather damage and skin irritation.

ResearchGate studies found the lice infest laying ducks have 3 types

  • Anaticola crassicornis (60%)
  • Menacanthus stramineus (25%)
  • Lipeurus caponis. (17.5%)

The infestations and body regions were their wings, back, and head-neck.

5. Trichomoniasis (Sexually Transmitted Disease)

You may not have heard of Trichomoniasis,  which is a sexually transmitted disease infection that happens due to a protozoan parasite attack. Also, Trichomonas gallinae is to blame here!

Studies discovered two varieties of trichomoniasis in 2 separate duck farms. The most common are Respiratory and intestinal trichomoniasis. According to their morphological characteristics, it was determined as Tetra-trichomonas anatis.

What’s gonna happen if ducks have this parasite? They’ll lose weight and have diarrhea or lethargy as well. Leaving these parasites present can be severe and deadly.

6. Leech Parasitism

A widespread parasite in North American waterfowl, Leech parasitism is found in twenty species. Surprisingly, eyes, nostrils, throats, and brains are the trigger points of such parasites.

Freshwater habitats and water splashing is the problem that attracts such parasites through touch or tactile.

7. Ducks Fleas Fly Larvae

Fly larvae or maggots in a soiled or damp location enter the ducks’ bodies.

Also, duck fleas are not actual fleas but rather aquatic parasites called water fleas. Which belong to the family Daphniidae.

These tiny crustaceans are typically found in freshwater environments. It includes ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.

While they are harmless to ducks, water fleas can cause water quality issues.

8. Ticks

Ticks attach to ducks’ bodies and take blood. Well, it happens when the population of ticks is too high, as ducks usually catch ticks and swallow.

9. Mosquitos

Mosquitoes transmit avian malaria or West Nile Virus. Same case as ticks. Ducks usually swallow mosquitoes, but excessive can hurt them and cause them to fall into parasite traps.

10. Giardia

Giardia, as a protozoan parasite, causes digestive distress.

Do Humans Get All Duck Parasites?

If you ask, do human gets duck parasites? Unfortunately, yes. Most poultry duck owners or people who are in contact with wild ducks can get transmitted by the same parasites. But not all of the parasites, and it’s not deadly for humans.

However, the 2 types are mostly found in human bodies.

  • Cryptosporidium: It happens when ducks and humans interact with each other. If it is contaminated, humans will have health difficulties such as weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dehydration, stomach cramps, or fever.
  • Toxoplasma gondii: Not a fatal one, but humans get it from ducks. It’s risky for humans with weak immunity systems. They’ll have problems like headaches, body aches, fever, sore throat, or even fatigue.

Recommended Reading: Duck Diseases You Get

How To Know Ducks Have Parasites? 7 Commons Signs

Although I said how parasites in ducks affect, here are some other facts you must consider.

  1. Behavioral Change: You’ll see them nervous, restless, fewer activities and grooming, and scratching too much.
  2. Uninterested While Eating: Ducks start to avoid eating and lose weight. So, the baby ducklings look sick.
  3. Digestion Distress: As I said earlier, excessive parasite presence causes diarrhea, vomiting, or blood in feces.
  4. Skin And Feather Problem: Ducks’ feathers lose or get damaged, and skin and feathers become dull and ruffled. Also, ducks’ skin irritation happens due to external parasites.
  5. Less Egg Production: When parasites develop too much, ducks lose their hatchability. So, they produce fewer eggs than before.
  6. Respiratory Issues: Parasites cause difficulty breathing in ducks. Besides, they sneeze and cough a lot when in extreme conditions.
  7. Droppings Indicate Parasite Presence: If the droppings or poop seems abnormal, it’s a clear sign that ducks have parasites in them.

8 Ideas To Prevent Ducks Parasites

Ducks having parasites is a natural part, as I stated earlier. So, when ducks have these parasites, you need to monitor and observe them. It helps to prevent parasitic infestations.

1. Quarantine New Comers 

An old flock of ducks may carry these parasites or severe diseases that can be transmitted to new ducks. So, keep the new fowls in quarantine for a few weeks to ensure the there is no parasitic existence in the old flocks.

2. Sanitizing Them 

Sanitizing is a good idea to disinfect the duck’s infection. Containers and other feeding equipment must remain sanitized to clean any parasite eggs or larvae.

3. Ducks Balanced Diet 

As worms can cause digestion problems, feed diets that are a booster to keep the digestion system running well. For this, offering high-fiber and low-fat foods like fruits, veggies, and plants or herbs is great!

4. Ideal Environment 

Maintaining hygiene is a core part of keeping and raising ducks. Most importantly, you can do:

  • Clean the duck’s coop properly.
  • Keep the surrounding areas near the coop neat and clean.
  • Change the wet bedding.
  • Don’t let Feces build that attract pests and flies.

5. Don’t Let Them Overcrowd 

Not all ducks need to have parasites. One or two is enough to transmit to the entire group. That’s why avoid remaining in a group and overcrowding in a small location. Let them have enough space to roam around, and I think pasture rotation is a good idea.

6. Health Checkup 

Ducks need regular health checkups from veterinarians. Try to check their health condition and detect if they have too many parasites in them.

7. Ensuring Enough Dosage

Whenever ducks need treatment, take advice from the vet. They’ll tell how much dose ducks need to prevent parasite disturbance.

8. Droppings Check

Check their droppings condition every 3 months. Parasitic droppings indicate bloody or dark poops or musus existence. And ducks normal poops are usually shady brown and white.

Related Readings: Ducks Poop Color Chart

How To Treat Ducks Parasites? 4 Effective Ideas!

You don’t wanna see your ducks sick, right? When ducks have parasites, regular treatment is always a good idea to control the parasite population in them. That’s why I have included some suggestions for you.

1. Using Pest Control Products:

Near your garden or yard, the pest population is quite a disturbing part. That’s why using pest-controlling products is necessary to avoid parasites. For this, I suggest:

  • Essential oils
  • Insecticidal soap
  • Diatomaceous earth

And if you have a big team of ducks, they can be the hero on the part of the farm as pest controllers. Check out this video on how they work!

2. Veterinarian Consultation:

Suspecting parasite presence immediately requires vet attention for the right treatment.

3. Isolating The Duck:

Isolate the affected ducks for the proper treatment. Plus, check out other ducks who were near the infected fowl.

4. Deworming Ducks:

As I said, most ducks have parasites in them; regular deworming is a crucial part. So, what can you give and what’s more to do to deworm them?

  • Flubendazole: Give Flubendazole every 6 months within spring and autumn. You can add a 60-gram Flubenvet tube with around 20 kilograms of fowl feed as an oral treatment.
  • Verm-X: You can use Verm-X as an oral treatment or deworming medicine. It’s made of natural repellent like peppermint, garlic, cleavers, fennel, cinnamon, etc. Giving it 1.5 ml is enough for every duck. Either you include it with their medicine or in water.
  • Disinfecting Solution: Using a disinfectant called Interkokask is a good idea when cleaning their house.
  • Cattle Wormer: The vet suggests using liquid ivermectin cattle wormer, only a single droplet with an eyedropper.  You can use it on their skin. It’s a safe topical treatment.


Here, you’ll find some other related questions and answers about Common Parasites In Ducks.

Q. What pesticide kills parasites?

Using Antihelmintic chemicals can kill or expel parasites like worms from your duck’s area. According to Gold Biotechnology, the available antihelmintics are Praziquantel and Ivermectin.

Q. Do antibiotics remove parasites?

No, antibiotics can remove parasites and bacteria, but it’s not that effective. It’s much more effective to remove bacteria. So, look for any antiparasitic treatment.

Q. What bacteria kills parasites?

Bacteria like soil bacteria or Bacillus thuringiensis are used to control mosquito larvae, which is a duck parasite.

Final Words

So, I’ve introduced 10 Common Parasites In Ducks that can sometimes transmit to humans. Although parasites are common in ducks’ bodies, excessive growth can even push the duck to die! Mostly, various worms are common in their body that cause weight loss, diarrhea, less egg production, lack of growth, gastrointestinal issues, etc.

However, preventing and treating is not that tough. Do observe your ducks and their health condition by doing regular vet visits. Take suggestions from avian experts to utilize when your ducks are in severe parasitic attack. And always maintain hygiene to keep yourself from parasite transmission.

Sources & References:

  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/nematomorpha
  • https://extension.psu.edu/avian-coccidiosis

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