Bali Duck Breed

Introducing the Bali Duck Breed – a charming and special breed from Bali, Indonesia. With its unique look and friendly nature, the Bali Duck has won many hearts. It’s not just a farm animal but a beloved companion in the daily lives of the locals.

The Bali Duck stands out with its colorful feathers and distinctive quack in the world of poultry. Beyond being a livelihood for Balinese communities, these ducks play a big role in religious ceremonies and traditional events.

Let’s get to know how such a breed contributes as a pet or for farming. Besides, you’ll have an ideal way of raising and breeding Bali Duck!

Bali Duck Breed – A Short Profile

Bali Duck Breed - A Short Profile

If you intend to get Bali ducks as a part of your flocks, be sure you know about them properly. Let’s delve into a short profile of the Bali breed first –

OriginBali, Indonesia
AppearanceColorful feathers, distinctive quack
RoleCompanion, livelihood, cultural significance
Lifespan6-8 years (average)
PersonalityFriendly and sociable
UseEggs, meat, traditional ceremonies
FeedingOmnivorous diet, foraging in water and on land
BreedingNatural breeding, clutch size of 8-12 eggs
HabitatFreshwater ponds, rice paddies
Conservation StatusNot listed, locally abundant
A Short Profile of the Bali Duck Breed

History and Location of the Breed: Where is Bali Duck from?

The Bali Duck has a rich history rooted in the vibrant culture of Bali, Indonesia. For centuries, these ducks have been an integral part of Balinese life. So, you may not find them outside Bali, or rare to find.

Initially, Bali Ducks were primarily kept for their eggs and meat. But over time, they became a companion in daily rituals and festivities.

Location of Bali Duck Breed

Originating from Bali, these ducks thrive in the island’s freshwater ponds and rice paddies. The lush greenery and water sources provide an ideal habitat for Bali Ducks.

Physical Appearance of Bali Duck Breed

Explore the traits that make the Bali Duck breed stand out in terms of appearance. These ducks have unique qualities that enhance the beauty of their surroundings.

Also, the Bali Duck, also known as the Balinese Crested Duck, has a slender, upright body. They typically weigh between 2.25 and 2.75 kg (5 to 6 lb).

Male Bali Duck

Male ducks display a burst of vibrant colors in their feathers. It creates an appealing look!

These ducks are of medium size. So, it balances elegance and agility in their movements.

Male Bali Ducks often have distinct markings. Besides, you can see more intricate feathers that make them stand out!

Female Bali Duck

Females have a more muted color palette. It maintains an elegant and understated appearance.

Like males, female Bali Ducks are gracefully medium-sized. They move with poise on both land and water.

They are known for their caring and attentive behavior. It’s especially during the breeding season.

Common Traits

Both male and female Bali Ducks share a unique quack that adds to the charm of the breed. Except for that, they have different facts that distinguish them.

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6 Personality Facts of the Bali Duck Breed

Discover the wonderful world of Bali Ducks! These ducks are not just known for their beautiful looks but also for their special personalities. Let’s explore what makes them unique!

1. Affectionate Nature

Bali Ducks form strong friendships. It’s especially during the breeding season. It’s the time when they show extra care and kindness to their mates and babies.

2. Sociable Behavior

Explore how Bali Ducks are social birds! They love being with other ducks, creating a happy and friendly atmosphere. It’s whether they’re in groups or making new duck friends.

Have a look at the video of this duck breed –

3. Playful Demeanor

See the fun side of Bali Ducks! They enjoy playing in the water and moving around with energy. It brings a lively and playful spirit to their surroundings.

4. Curious Instincts

They love exploring their surroundings, pecking at the ground, and checking out interesting things. Their smart and adaptable nature makes them fascinating companions.

5. Calm and Gentle Temperament

Their easygoing nature makes them perfect for different places. For example –  small ponds or bigger bodies of water. Their peaceful temperament adds to their overall charm.

6. Protective Instincts

Learn about Bali Ducks’ protective side, especially during the baby duck season. Female ducks become extra watchful. They ensure the safety of their nests and ducklings.

Reproduction And Breeding Of Bali Duck Breed

Reproduction And Breeding Of Bali Duck Breed

Discover the Bali Duck reproduction and breeding. Let’s explore how they find mates, build nests, lay eggs, and take care of their ducklings.

When does Bali Duck start their breeding session?

Bali Ducks typically start their breeding season during the spring months.

In general, they start their breeding activities around six months old. Once they reach maturity, they engage in courtship and mating.

How long does it take for a Bali Duck Breed to hatch?

The incubation period for Bali Duck eggs lasts around 28 to 30 days. During this time, the eggs are kept warm by the parents. It’s until they hatch into ducklings.

How To Breed Bali Duck Breed?

Breeding Bali Ducks can be challenging due to their unique features:

  • Crested Gene: The crest of feathers on their heads is caused by a lethal gene. It results in skull deformities in some ducklings.
  • Crossbreeding: To reduce mortality rates, breeders often cross a crested duck with a non-crested duck. This increases the chances of healthy offspring. Although only 50% will have crests.

However, to breed Bali Ducks, here is what you need to follow –

  1. Create a suitable environment with access to water for mating rituals. Allow the ducks to naturally form pairs. 
  2. Ensure a comfortable nesting area for egg-laying.
  3. Provide proper nutrition.
  4. Give a stress-free environment to support successful breeding.

How Many Eggs Does the Bali Duck Breed Lay?

Female Bali Ducks typically lay around 8 to 12 eggs in a single clutch.

They produce anywhere from 120 to 250 large eggs per year. Most Bali ducks lay around 200 eggs in their first two years of production. But the numbers decrease as they age.

What Purpose Does Bali Duck Breed Breed Serve the Best for?

The Bali Duck breed serves diverse purposes. It ranges from ornamental beauty and ecological balance to cultural significance. Let’s talk about this in detail!

1. Ornamental Ducks

Bali Ducks are not just ordinary ducks. They’re like living decorations for ponds and water places. Their colorful feathers and graceful presence make them much more attractive as an ornamental bird.

2. Delicious Meat

They’re also good for making delicious and lean meat. This helps people have tasty meals and supports sustainable farming.

3. Eggs for Eating

Female Bali Ducks lay lots of eggs. These eggs are not only nutritious but also great for cooking. So, besides looking nice, the ducks help provide food for communities.

4. Nature Helpers

Bali Ducks can help keep nature balanced. By eating insects and plants in the water, they make sure the environment stays healthy.

This makes them helpful for controlling pests.

5. Important in Culture

In Bali, these ducks are not just pets; they have a deep meaning in ceremonies and traditions. They represent the rich culture and spirituality of the region.

How To Raise Bali Duck Breed?

Raising Bali ducks involves providing proper care. Here’s a general guide on how to raise Bali ducks:

How To Raise Bali Duck Breed
  1. Provide secure shelter to protect ducks from weather and predators.
  2. Ensure adequate space to prevent stress and aggression.
  3. Install nesting boxes with straw for egg-laying ducks.
  4. Offer a balanced diet with commercial feed, grains, greens, and supplements.
  5. Provide clean water for drinking and bathing.
  6. Follow a vaccination schedule and consult a vet.
  7. Introduce male and female ducks for mating.
  8. Provide environmental enrichment like a pond for swimming.
  9. Conduct market research for demand and pricing.
  10. Check local regulations for permits and compliance.

Pros And Cons of Having Bali Duck Breed

Here are the pros and cons of having the Bali Duck as part of your flock:


  • Striking crest of feathers and upright stance
  • Thrive in flocks and form strong bonds
  • Can withstand various climates
  • Produce 120-250 eggs per year


  • Requires careful breeding
  • Rare outside of Bali
  • Only 50% inherit the crest

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Check out some related queries about the Bali Duck Breed.

Q. What is the difference between a Bali Duck and an Indian runner?

Bali ducks, native to Indonesia, are characterized by a distinctive appearance. Also, they have a prominent crest. On the other hand, Indian Runners originated from the Indian subcontinent. They have an upright stance and a slender build.

Q. Which Color Eggs Does the Bali Duck Breed Lay?

Bali ducks typically lay white or off-white eggs.

Bottom Line

The Bali Duck Breed from Indonesia is more than just a farm animal! They are a cherished companion with a rich cultural significance. Known for their vibrant appearance,  and friendly nature, Bali Ducks play various roles. It’s from ornamental beauty to providing delicious meat and eggs.

Raising them involves understanding their needs, from proper shelter and nutrition. Despite being rare outside of Bali, these ducks contribute significantly to local culture and traditions.

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