keep snakes out of chicken coop

Backyard chickens are the best, but sneaky snakes can be a worry! They fit through tight spaces and can go after the chickens. Don’t be afraid, there are easy tricks to keep your coop snake-free!

So, how to keep snakes out of chicken coop? First, carefully check every corner and crack for openings where snakes might enter, and seal them up tight. This creates a solid barrier to keep snakes out. Next, get creative with deterrents. For example – planting snake-repelling plants or designing the coop in a way that discourages snakes from coming near.

No more snake worries! We’ll unveil clever coop designs and landscaping hacks to keep those slithery visitors out for good. Just keep on reading this article!

Identifying Entry Points: How and When Do Snakes Visit Chicken Coop?

Snakes enter chicken coops looking for two things: food and shelter. Here’s how they become unwelcome guests:

  1. Tiny Gaps, Big Problems: Holes, cracks, or gaps in the coop walls, floor, and roof attract the snakes. Also, spaces where the coop meets the ground and improperly sealed doors and vents can help them get inside!
  2. Tunnel Vision: Tall grass and brush around the coop create a perfect snake highway.
  3. Dinner Bell: Rodents love chicken feed! If your coop has rodents, it attracts snakes looking for a meal.
  4. When eggs are present: Snakes come to coops when there are eggs.

When do snakes get inside the chicken coop?

Snakes are most likely to try to get inside chicken coops:

  • At night: Snakes come out when it’s dark and chickens are sleeping.
  • During warm weather: Snakes are more active when it’s hot outside.
  • In spring: Snakes wake up from sleep and look for eggs and chicks.
  • After a rain: Snakes look for dry places like coops after it rains.

Do Chicken Coops Need to be Snake Proof? Yes, 5 Reasons Behind!

Yes, chicken coops absolutely need to be snake-proofed. Here are some key reasons why.

  1. Protect Your Flock: Snakes pose a serious threat to chickens, especially baby chicks. They can easily snatch and kill chickens for food if they gain access to the coop.
  2. Avoid Costly Losses: Losing chickens to snake attacks can be devastating, both emotionally and financially. It’s especially for small backyard flocks or farms.
  3. Prevent Disease: Some snakes carry diseases or parasites that could potentially harm your chickens. It’s if they gain entry to the coop!
  4. Deter Other Pests: A well-secured, snake-proof coop can also help keep out other unwanted pests. For example – rats, mice, or predators that may try to get in.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing your coop is properly fortified against snakes can provide you with invaluable peace of mind.

How to Keep Snakes Out of Chicken Coop? 7 Guides!

Keeping your feathered friends safe from slithering visitors is essential. Here’s a coop defense plan to create a snake-free zone. 

Coop Design and Construction

Building the coop off the ground helps prevent ground-level snake entry. Using solid materials like concrete or metal for floors and lower walls is recommended to deter snakes.

But what size chicken wire to keep snakes out? Hardware cloth or 1/4 inch mesh over openings/vents will exclude snakes. It’s because they cannot get through openings that small.

Clearing debris and vegetation

What is the best snake repellent safe for chickens? Keeping the coop area clean by removing clutter, and debris and trimming vegetation frequently eliminates hiding spots for snakes. Having good visibility by clearing lines of sight makes it harder for snakes to approach undetected.

Maintaining short grass is advised as snakes tend to avoid crossing over closely mowed areas.

Rodent Control

Controlling rodent populations around the coop is important as rodents can attract snakes looking for prey.

Sealing entry points with caulk/foam prevents rodents and snakes from getting inside. Collecting eggs regularly removes potential food sources that could attract snakes.

Move the Eggs

It’s important like any other point! Always move the chicken eggs when you don’t have enough safety from snakes. Snakes get attracted to eating poultry eggs.

Animals to Keep Snakes Away!

Predatory Birds like peacocks, guinea fowl, and roosters can be effective deterrents. These birds are known to be aggressive towards snakes and their loud calls can alert you to a potential snake presence.

Deterrents Are Okay!

People use golf balls and ceramic eggs placed around nests can deter snakes by their unusual presence. Glue traps can catch snakes trying to enter when placed properly.

But the truth is snakes won’t be tricked. Even if they eat them, they’ll spit them out fast, just like they do with eggshells.

Automatic coop doors that close at night block snake entry during their peak activity periods. You can go for it. But it’s not that effective as well! Snakes have so many ways to harm your chicks and chickens.

Landscaping and Planting

To remove snakes away, which plants that repel snakes?

Planting snake-repelling herbs/plants like lemongrass, wormwood, and marigolds near the coop uses scent to deter snakes. Commercial snake repellents made from sulfur or predator urines are okay when you spray around perimeters.


See the video to learn more about keeping snakes out of the poultry coop.

Things You Should Never Do with Snakes in Chicken Coop!!!

It’s okay to keep the snakes away from chicken coop. But don’t you think you have to keep some limitations? What I mean is you don’t hurt them or don’t kill them!

For this here’s a guideline –

❌NEVER try to hurt a snake. Some snakes can be dangerous. Get help from experts to remove them safely.

❌ NEVER leave food or water out in the coop. It can attract snakes and pests. Clean up any spilled food and close water sources when not in use.

❌NEVER use strong chemicals to keep snakes away. They can harm your chickens. Use safe methods like ammonia or snake-proof fencing.

❌NEVER let plants or junk pile up near the coop. Snakes like to hide in these places. Keep the area clean to stop them from hiding.

❌NEVER leave gaps in the coop. Snakes can get in through small holes. Close up any openings with the right materials.

❌NEVER disturb or threaten a snake if you encounter one in the coop. Remain calm and back away slowly to avoid provoking a defensive strike. Call for professional assistance or wait for the snake to leave on its own.

✅ The best thing to do is call Animal Control. They can safely remove the snake and take it somewhere else.


Curious to learn more about keeping the chicken coop safe from snakes? Check out the query section!

Q. Do roosters keep snakes away?

Yes, roosters can be a deterrent. Their size and aggressive behavior discourage some snakes. But some snakes are large enough to overpower roosters.

Q. Will my chicken fight with snakes?

Chickens will try to defend themselves, especially if protecting chicks or eggs. But remember that snakes are predators, and chickens are likely to be injured or killed.

Q. Do snakes eat chickens?

Absolutely. Chickens are a tasty meal for snakes, especially young chicks. But sometimes snakes become their meal.

Q. Can snakes smell chickens?

Yes, they can. Snakes use their forked tongue to “smell” by collecting scent particles. The smell of chickens and their food can attract snakes to your coop.

Q. How to tell if a snake is eating chicken eggs?

Look for signs of physical damage to eggshells. Check for shed snake skin. Snakes shed their skin after eating, so finding skin near the coop is a clue.


Protecting chickens from snakes takes effort but is worth it. Use proper coop design, seal gaps, clear debris, and control rodents. Deter snakes with repellent plants, devices like ceramic eggs, and secured automatic doors. Call experts for safe snake removal. Stay vigilant, especially at night and in warm months.

With the right prevention, your feathered friends can enjoy a snake-free, secure home. Remember, a little preparation ensures a safe, peaceful coop.

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