Cochin Chicken Breed

Meet the Cochin Chicken Breed—a large, fluffy delight captivated hearts for over a century. Originally from a French colony in Vietnam, these birds were presented as a gift to Queen Victoria. And guess what? They quickly became poultry sensations!

Cochin chickens are known for their gentle and docile nature. So, Cochins make ideal pet hens for gardens. Their reputation extends to being excellent mothers, even nurturing chicks of other breeds.

Join us on a journey to know the history, and traits, and celebrate the enduring popularity of this Breed. Let’s see why they’re so popular face!

Cochin Chicken Breed – A Short Profile

Cochin Chicken Breed - A Short Profile

Cochin chickens are undeniably one of the most eye-catching poultry breeds. To know more about them, here is a short table that you may love –

WeightRoosters: up to 9 lbs; Hens: up to 7 lbs
TemperamentGentle, docile, friendly
Egg layingAround 180 large, brown eggs per year
CareRegular grooming, shade and cool water in hot weather, clean run
VarietiesBuff, black, partridge, white, blue, silver laced, golden laced, splash
UsesBackyard pets, meat birds, show birds
A Short Profile of the Cochin Chicken Breed

History And Location Of Cochin Chicken Breed

The Cochin Chicken Breed has its beginnings in China, where it was initially called “Shanghai.” Famous for its big size and unique appearance, this chicken traveled to the West in the 1800s, leaving a mark.

French Gift to Queen Victoria

Cochin’s history has a big moment! It’s when a Cochin chicken is given by the French colony in Vietnam to the present to Queen Victoria. This special gift introduced the breed to the Western world, and people loved it!

All Over the World

Cochins became famous worldwide for being pretty and friendly. Many people started keeping them in backyards and as ornamental pets. Nowadays, you can find these charming chickens in different parts of the world, making poultry enthusiasts happy.

Everlasting Legacy

The Cochin Chicken Breed has been part of both old and new times in the chicken world. Starting from China, it has become a much-loved breed globally and continues.

Physical Appearance of Cochin Chicken Breed

Physical Appearance of Cochin Chicken Breed

In general, the Cochin breed is famous for its big, fluffy appearance. It’s with the feathers covering almost their entire body, including their legs and feet. Read further for more insight!

What does a Male Cochin Chicken look like?

Male Cochins are impressive with large bodies and fluffy feathers. They usually weigh between 9 to 11 pounds.

Their tails stick up high, and their legs have lots of feathers. So it makes them look majestic. The comb, wattles, and earlobes are usually red. So, you see a colorful touch.

What does a Female Cochin Chicken look like?

Female Cochins look fluffy like males but are a bit smaller, weighing around 8 to 9 pounds. They have a round body shape, high tails, and feathered legs, giving them a charming and unique appearance in the poultry yard.

What do their Feathered Feet and Legs look like?

Cochins are known for their feathered feet and legs. Feathers cover their shanks and toes, making them look cute and special. Both males and females have this feature, making them even more charming.

Are there any Color Varieties in Cochin Chicken?

Yes. Cochins come in different colors like buff, black, white, partridge, and blue. These colors make them visually diverse, and people can choose their favorite or have a mix of colors in their flock.

Look at the video of Cochin Chickens.

Understanding the Personality of the Cochin Chicken

Cochin Chickens are more than just cute; they’re friendly buddies loved by chicken fans.

Gentle Friends

Cochins are known for being calm and easy to get along with. They’re perfect for families, even those with kids, as they don’t make a lot of noise. Having them around brings a peaceful feeling to the chicken yard.

Quiet and Happy

Cochin Chickens aren’t chatterboxes; they keep things quiet. This makes them great for places where loud sounds are not wanted. Their happy and calm nature makes them a delight to have as companions.

Amazing Parents

Cochin moms are special. They’re awesome at taking care of their own chicks and even adopt chicks from other breeds. This caring quality makes them extra-lovable.

Friendly Backyard Pal

Friendly Backyard Pal

Cochins get along well with other chickens, making the whole flock happy. Their friendly nature helps them fit into different coop environments, and they often bring peace to the chicken yard.

Curious and Social

Despite being laid-back, Cochin Chickens are curious and social. They like exploring and hanging out with their human friends. This friendly nature makes them not just pets but wonderful additions to the family.

Reproduction And Breeding Of Cochin Chicken Breed

Cochin Chickens reproduce by laying eggs, and their strong maternal instincts make them excellent mothers. Be sure you take proper care and steps for successful breeding.

When does the Cochin Chicken Breed?

Cochin Chickens generally reach maturity for breeding around 5 to 6 months of age. They typically start laying eggs during the spring and summer months. 

These warmer months are often more conducive to successful breeding and egg production in chickens.

How long does it take for a Cochin Chicken to hatch?

The incubation period for Cochin Chicken eggs is approximately 21 days. It takes about three weeks for the eggs to hatch once they have been placed in an incubator. Or, it’s if left with a broody hen, under her for natural incubation.

How To Breed Cochin Chicken?

How To Breed Cochin Chicken?

Breeding Cochin chickens is easy when you know how to breed properly. Follow the tips I am including below –

1. Selecting Breeding Stock

Choose healthy and mature breeding stock with good conformation to the Cochin standard. Look for birds with the desired characteristics. It includes 

  • Fluffy plumage
  • Friendly temperament
  • Adherence to color standards.

2. Preparing the Breeding Environment

Create a comfortable and safe environment for breeding. Ensure the coop is clean, well-ventilated, and provides ample nesting space. Cochin Chickens appreciate privacy during breeding. So, consider providing secluded nesting boxes.

3. Monitoring Maturity

Wait until your Cochin Chickens are around 5 to 6 months old. This is when they typically reach sexual maturity. Hens will start laying eggs, signaling that they are ready for breeding.

4. Observing Hen Behavior

Keep an eye on the behavior of your hens. If a hen becomes broody, it’s a positive sign for successful breeding. Alternatively, you can use an incubator for artificial hatching.

5. Nesting and Egg Collection

Provide suitable nesting boxes filled with clean bedding. Collect eggs promptly to prevent breakage and contamination. Cochin hens are good mothers, but if you prefer artificial incubation, store eggs in a cool place until you’re ready to set them.

6. Incubation Period

The incubation period for Cochin Chicken eggs is approximately 21 days. If using a broody hen, let her incubate the eggs naturally. If using an incubator, maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels throughout the incubation period.

7. Caring for Chicks

Caring for Chicks

Once the eggs hatch, provide a warm and secure environment for the chicks. Cochin hens are often attentive mothers, but if using an incubator, monitor and adjust temperature settings for the well-being of the chicks.

8. Raising the Flock

As the chicks grow, ensure they have a balanced diet, proper shelter, and access to fresh water. Monitor their health and separate any aggressive or sickly individuals to maintain a thriving Cochin Chicken flock.

How Many Eggs Does a Cochin Chicken Lay?

Cochin Chickens on average, lays approximately 150 to 180 eggs per year. The actual number can vary based on factors. For example -individual hen’s health, diet, and environmental conditions.

However, Are Cochin chickens good egg layers? No, they are moderate egg-layer chicken.

Which Color Eggs Do Cochin Chicken Lay?

Cochin Chickens typically lay brown eggs. The shade of brown may vary slightly among individual hens. But overall, brown eggs are characteristic of this breed.

What Purpose Does Cochin Chicken Breed Serve the Best for?

What Purpose Does Cochin Chicken Breed Serve the Best for?

The Cochin chicken is versatile for backyard enthusiasts. Originally from China, it came to the West in the 19th century. Cochin serves various purposes:

Ornamental Purposes

Cochins have a unique look with large size and colorful feathers. People keep them for beauty in their backyard flocks.

Broodiness and Mothering

Cochins are great at hatching eggs. They’re attentive mothers, ideal for those wanting to hatch chicks or have a self-sustaining flock.

Meat Production

People ask, “Are Cochin chickens good meat chickens? Not the winner in this field. While not the best for meat, Cochins provide decent meat and flavorful eggs. They’re a dual-purpose breed for both.

Egg Production

Cochins lay large brown eggs regularly. While not the best layers, they’re good for moderate egg production and other benefits.

Pet and Friendly Nature

Cochins are calm and friendly. Easy to handle, they’re suitable as pets or for families. Their friendly nature makes them great companions in the backyard.

How To Raise Cochin Chicken Breed? 10 Guidelines!

Raising Cochin chickens involves providing proper care, housing, nutrition, and attention to their specific needs. Here’s a detailed guide:

Proper Housing

Build or purchase a sturdy coop with ample space. Cochins are large chickens. So, ensure each bird has at least 4 square feet of space.

Provide good ventilation to prevent respiratory issues. Ensure proper insulation for temperature control. And install nesting boxes filled with clean bedding for egg-laying comfort.

Nutrition and Feeding

Nutrition and Feeding

Offer a balanced poultry feed suitable for layers. You can also supplement with grains, greens, and kitchen scraps.

Ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water. Hydration is crucial for egg production and overall health.

Healthcare is Crucial

Regular check-ups are important for your Cochin breed. Monitor your Cochins regularly for signs of illness. Address any health issues promptly.

Follow a vaccination schedule recommended by a poultry veterinarian. It’ll prevent common diseases.

Broodiness and Hatching

Provide secluded nesting areas for broody hens to sit on eggs. Collect eggs regularly to prevent excessive broodiness. If you want chicks, let a broody hen hatch them or consider an incubator.

Behavior and Temperament

Cochins are social and enjoy the company of other chickens. Keep them in pairs or small groups to prevent loneliness.

Cochins are generally docile. Regularly handle them to maintain a friendly disposition.

Protection from Predators

Ensure the coop and outdoor area are predator-proof. Use sturdy fencing and lock the coop at night to protect against nocturnal predators.



Feather maintenance is good. So, regularly check for mites or lice. Dust baths help in keeping their feathers clean.

Trim overgrown toenails or feathers if needed. But avoid excessive trimming to maintain their natural insulation.

Climate Considerations

Provide additional bedding and insulation during cold weather to keep Cochins warm. Also, ensure proper ventilation and shade to prevent heat stress during hot weather.


If interested in breeding, select breeding pairs carefully based on health and conformation standards. Choosing the best pairs ensures successful baby chicks.

Observation and Interaction

Regularly observe your Cochins for any signs of distress, illness, or abnormal behavior. Spend time with your chickens, as Cochins are known for their friendly nature. This promotes a bond and makes them easier to handle.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Cochin Chickens?

It’s not like the Cochin Chicken Breed is always good. There are some drawbacks to keeping such chickens as well. Check the pros and cons of such breeds.


  • Ornamental beauty with fluffy plumage
  • Gentle and friendly temperament
  • Strong maternal instincts for hatching and caring for chicks
  • Distinctive appearance with feathered feet and legs.


  • Moderate egg production
  • Limited meat production
  • Space considerations due to their large size
  • Potential health challenges, especially with feathered legs.

Recommended Readings:

Final Word

The Cochin Chicken Breed is a great choice for people who prefer ornamental chicken. They’re pretty, friendly, and unique, making backyard spaces happy. These chickens are good at taking care of baby chicks, which helps keep the group going. It’s what I loved the most about them!

Even though they don’t lay a ton of eggs, Cochin chickens can be nice companions. Get some flock of Cochin and see how lively you feel! Happy Petting!

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