Herbs for Chickens to feed

If you are tired of using commercial remedies to keep chickens healthy and pest-free, look at medicinal natural herbs, please! These herbs not only promote overall health but also offer a wide range of benefits. For example – they boost immunity, aid digestion, and repelling pests.

From boosting immunity to naturally repelling pests, these little powerhouses can be a fantastic addition to your chicken care routine. This guide will explore 20 medicinal herbs including – Garlic, oregano, thyme, Lavender, comfrey, calendula more. You can feed such herbs as well as use them for pest control.

Thinking about the full list? Let’s share the list to let you know how many herbs are there for your backyard flocks!

List of 20 Herbs Medicinal Herbs for Chickens

Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet is overflowing with herbs that can benefit your feathered friends! These herbs can even kept near the nesting box, so you can call these natural nesting herbs for chickens.

So, why not offer herbs to your chickens? Let’s share the healthiest and most beneficial herbs for chickens –

1. Calendula


Starting from Calendula, also known as pot marigold.

Calendula is a versatile herb with antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in wound healing and promotes feather growth in chickens. Sprinkle calendula petals in their feed or create a calendula salve to apply to minor cuts and injuries.

2. Comfrey


Rich in vitamins and minerals, comfrey is renowned for its wound healing and bone-strengthening abilities. It can help chickens recover from injuries and support their overall skeletal health. Offer comfrey leaves in their feed or make a comfrey poultice for external application.

3. Mint


Refreshing and aromatic, mint is not only a natural insect repellent but also aids in digestion. It can help alleviate digestive issues in chickens and keep pests at bay. Add fresh or dried mint leaves to their feed or create a mint-infused dust bath.

4. Thyme


Thyme is a powerful antimicrobial herb rich in thymol and carvacrol, compounds that fight bacteria, fungi, and parasites. It can support respiratory health and boost the immune system in chickens.

If you ask, “What herbs are good for chickens to eat?” I would say thyme is a kind of best among all! Sprinkle dried thyme in their feed. You can also make a thyme tea for their drinking water.

5. Basil


Known for its aromatic qualities, basil is a flavorful herb that offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. It can help soothe digestive issues and promote overall well-being in chickens. Add fresh or dried basil leaves to chicken feed or use basil as a coop freshener.

6. Oregano


Packed with antibacterial and antifungal properties, oregano is an excellent herb for boosting chickens’ immune systems. Its high content of carvacrol and thymol makes it effective against various pathogens. Mix dried oregano into their feed or create an oregano tonic.

7. Garlic


Garlic is a natural antibiotic and anti-parasitic herb that can help keep chickens healthy and pest-free. Its active compound, allicin, fights bacteria, viruses, and worms. Add crushed garlic to their feed or make a garlic tonic for added protection.

8. Rosemary


Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, rosemary can support respiratory health and promote overall well-being in chickens. It also has insect-repelling properties. Scatter fresh or dried rosemary in their coops or add it to their feed.

9. Cilantro


Cilantro is a nutrient-dense herb that supports liver health and aids in detoxification. It can help chickens eliminate toxins and improve their overall health. Mix fresh or dried cilantro into their feed or provide it as a treat.

10. Dill


Dill is not only a flavorful herb but also offers valuable nutrients that promote feather growth and egg production in chickens. It can also aid in digestion and respiratory health. Add dill leaves or seeds to their feed or provide dill as a foraging treat.

11. Fennel


With its licorice-like flavor, fennel is a digestive aid that can help alleviate gas and bloating in chickens. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Offer fennel seeds or leaves in their feed or create a fennel tea for their drinking water.

12. Lavender


Lavender is a calming and antiseptic herb that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation in chickens. Its aroma also acts as a natural insect repellent. Use lavender in nesting boxes or create a lavender spray for their coops.

13. Parsley


Rich in vitamins and minerals, parsley is a nutritious herb that supports overall health in chickens. It can aid in digestion, promote feather growth, and boost egg production. Add fresh or dried parsley to their feed or create a parsley treat.

14. Sage


Sage is an aromatic herb with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It can support respiratory health, improve digestion, and boost the immune system in chickens. Mix dried sage into their feed or create a sage-infused dust bath.

15. Dandelion


Often overlooked as a weed, dandelion is a nutrient-rich herb that aids digestion and supports liver health in chickens. Allow your chickens to forage on dandelions or add the leaves and flowers to their feed.

16. Chamomile


Chamomile is a calming herb with anti-inflammatory properties. It can help soothe digestive issues and promote relaxation in chickens. Make a chamomile tea and add it to their drinking water or create a chamomile dust bath.

17. Echinacea


Echinacea is an immune-boosting herb that can help chickens fight off infections and illness. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it particularly beneficial during winter months. Add dried echinacea leaves and flowers to their feed.

18. Turmeric


Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb that can support overall health in chickens. It can aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Add powdered turmeric to their feed or create a turmeric tonic.

19. Yarrow


Yarrow is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory natural herb that stops bleeding and promotes wound healing in chickens. It is used as a poultice for external injuries or added to nesting boxes as a desiccant.

20. Nettle


Nutrient-dense and rich in minerals, nettle is an excellent herb for promoting feather health and aiding digestion in chickens. Allow your chickens to forage on nettles or add dried or fresh nettles to their feed.

Note: Scientists at Scotland’s Rural College discovered a surprising benefit to feeding chickens herbs ensures faster growth!

However, take more ideas about the contribution of herbs to chickens in the following video.


Have more questions in mind about making herbs a part of chickens’ lives? Check out the following queries!

Q: What are the best antibiotic herbs for poultry?

Herbs like oregano, garlic, and sage have natural antibiotic properties that can help support your chickens’ immune system. However, they are not replacements for veterinary antibiotics if your chickens are sick.

Q: Which herbs increase egg production in chickens?

Herbs like fennel, nettle, and parsley are rich in vitamins and minerals that can indirectly support egg production by promoting overall health. Remember, other factors like breed, age, and light also play a role.

Q: What are the best-dried herbs for chickens to eat?

Most herbs can be offered dried, but some are more suitable. Thyme, oregano, sage, and calendula petals are all good options as they retain their beneficial properties well when dried.

Q: Which herbs are poisonous to chickens?

Avoid giving your chickens avocado skin and pit, rhubarb leaves, nightshade plants (tomato leaves, potato skins), and onions in large quantities. Always research new herbs before offering them to your chickens.

Q: What herbs are good for chickens in winter?

Herbs like echinacea, thyme, and rosemary can be beneficial during winter. Echinacea boosts the immune system, thyme helps with respiratory issues, and rosemary has antioxidant properties for overall well-being.

Final Word

Keeping chickens healthy and pest-free naturally is easy when you turn to mother nature’s medicine cabinet – herbs! The 20 medicinal herbs covered as calendula, comfrey, mint, thyme, basil, oregano, garlic, and more are powerhouses for promoting your flock’s overall well-being.

From aiding digestion and boosting immunity to repelling pests and supporting respiratory health, these herbs are best! Simply add them to your chickens’ feed, make herbal tonics for their water, or allow foraging on fresh herbs. Whichever way you choose to incorporate them, chicken will get benefits!

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