Can Ducks Eat Tomatoes

Can ducks eat tomatoes? Yes, ducks can eat tomatoes. It comes with some essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, tomatoes have a relatively high PH (acidic level) of 4.8. So, consider giving it in moderation. Otherwise, the backyard birds may show an acidic reaction.

This comprehensive article will delve into tomatoes’ nutritional composition. Also, we’ll uncover the potential benefits and risks they may pose. We’ll also show you how to safely feed tomatoes to ducks while caring for their digestive systems.

Can Ducks Eat Tomatoes? Do They Like It?

The answer to whether ducks can eat tomatoes is a resounding “yes.” Ducks can consume tomatoes. However, you have to ensure their health and well-being. Ducks are naturally omnivorous, so they eat plant and animal matter. 

Ducks can enjoy vegetables and fruits occasionally, including tomatoes. Now, you may be wondering about the various types of tomatoes. Whether tomatoes are compatible with ducks!

Ducks can eat a variety of tomatoes, such as beefsteak, cherry, Roma, and heirloom tomatoes. However, ripe tomatoes are generally safer for ducks than unripe or green ones. Ripe tomatoes contain less solanine than unripe ones. 

But do ducks actually like tomatoes? Well, every duck has its taste preferences. Some ducks may relish the tangy and juicy flavors of tomatoes. You may see others may show less interest. It’s important to introduce tomatoes gradually into a duck’s diet. Also, be sure you observe their response. 

Here is a video of ducks eating tomatoes.

Nutritional Composition Of Tomatoes for Ducks

It’s important to know the nutritional composition of tomatoes. Here is a table of the nutritional content of tomatoes. It is based on information provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

NutrientAmount per 100g
Water95 g
Calories18 kcal
Carbohydrates3.9 g
Protein0.9 g
Sugar2.63 g
Fat0.2 g
Fibre1.2 g
Vitamin A42 mcg
Vitamin C13.7 mg
Vitamin K7.9 mcg
Potassium237 mg
Phosphorus24 mg
Calcium10 mg
Sodium5 mg
Zinc 0.18 mg
Manganese0.115 mg
Lycopene2573 mcg
Nutritional composition of tomatoes

6 Benefits Of Nutrients in Tomatoes for Ducks

What Are The Benefits Of Tomatoes To Ducks?

Now that you know the nutritional content of tomatoes, let us explore the benefits of tomatoes to ducks.

1. Vitamins

Tomatoes are rich in essential vitamins. It includes vitamins A, C, and K. Vitamin A promotes good eyesight. Also, it helps maintain healthy feathers and skin in ducks. 

Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helping ducks fight infections and diseases. Vitamin K is vital in blood clotting, proper healing, and minimizing bleeding.

2. Antioxidants

Tomatoes contain antioxidants such as lycopene, contributing to their vibrant red color. These antioxidants help protect cells from free radical damage. So, it potentially lowers the risk of diseases and promotes health in ducks.

3. Hydration

Tomatoes have a high water content, which can contribute to hydration in ducks. Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining proper bodily functions. For example – digestion, temperature regulation, and overall health.

4. Fiber

Tomatoes contain moderate fiber, which is crucial in maintaining healthy digestion in ducks. Fiber adds bulk to their diet. It aids food movement through the digestive tract and prevents constipation. It also promotes a healthy gut environment by supporting beneficial gut bacteria.

5. Potassium

Tomatoes are a significant source of potassium. It’s an essential mineral that helps maintain –

  • Proper fluid balance
  • Nerve function, and
  • Muscle contractions in ducks.

Adequate potassium levels contribute to the optimal functioning of organs. It includes the heart and supports health and vitality.

6. Calcium and Zinc

Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and supporting proper nerve function. Zinc is vital in various physiological processes, including immune function, metabolism, and growth. 

What Are The Risks Associated With Tomatoes?

As much as tomatoes offer health benefits to ducks, they can also pose some risks. This brings me to the question, “Can ducks eat unripe tomatoes?” No, they cannot.

  • Unripe tomatoes contain solanine, a toxic compound in certain nightshade plants. Also, solanine is found in tomato plants and stems, making them unsafe for ducks. Ingesting excessive amounts of solanine can cause digestive upset. It includes diarrhea and vomiting, in ducks.
  • Another risk of tomatoes is that they have a relatively high acidity level. This can cause digestive discomfort in ducks, especially if consumed in large quantities. Excessive acidity can lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, or gastric irritation. 
  • Also, overhydration can occur when ducks consume too many tomatoes. This can result in various digestive issues, including diarrhea. Loose and watery stools characterize diarrhea and cause dehydration and nutrient loss.

If not addressed, this leads to weakness, lethargy, and other health complications.

How To Feed Tomatoes To Ducks?

Ducks are eating Tomatoes

Follow the following steps to give tomatoes to your ducks in the proper ways. 

  • Step 1- Choose Ripe Tomatoes: Select ripe red tomatoes. It must be fresh and free from blemishes. 
  • Step 2- Wash Thoroughly: Washing the tomatoes thoroughly under running water is important. Do it before serving the tomatoes to the ducks. This helps remove any dirt, chemicals, or potential pesticide residues in tomatoes.
  • Step 3- Remove Stems and Leaves: Remove the stems and any attached leaves from the tomatoes
  • Step 4- Slice or Chop into Bite-Sized Pieces: To make it easier for ducks to consume, slice or chop the tomatoes. Make it small, bite-sized pieces.

Other Forms You Can Serve Tomatoes

  • Tomato puree: Ensure the puree has no additives, and serve in moderation.
  • Dried tomatoes: If you dried them yourself, you can serve them to your duck. However, avoid commercial-dried tomatoes, which contain sugar. 
  • Cooked tomatoes: Cooked tomatoes are safe for ducks in moderation. Avoid seasoning the tomatoes with any harmful substances like salt or spices.

How Much And How Often Should You Feed Tomatoes to Your Ducks?

How Much And How Often Should You Feed Tomatoes to Your Ducks?

Here are some guidelines on how to feed tomatoes to ducks. It includes the recommended quantity and frequency:

Portion Control

When feeding tomatoes, offer, bite-sized pieces rather than whole tomatoes or large chunks. This reduces choking hazards and allows ducks to consume the tomatoes comfortably. 


It is recommended to offer tomatoes as an occasional treat. For example, you can provide tomatoes once or twice a week. But it must depend on your ducks’ diet and individual preferences.

Observation and Adjustments

As with any dietary change, monitoring your ducks’ reactions to tomatoes is critical. Watch their behavior, appetite, and droppings. It’s to ensure they properly tolerate and digest the tomatoes. 

It is best to reduce or cut tomatoes from the duck’s diet. It’s when you notice signs of digestive upset, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Also, consult with a veterinarian or avian specialist.

Variety and Balance

Don’t substitute tomatoes for important parts of a duck’s diet. Ducks need a mix of foods. For example – protein, grains, veggies, and fruits to stay healthy.

Recommended Readings:


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about ducks and feeding tomatoes.

Q1: Are tomatoes safe for baby ducks?

Since tomatoes are acidic, you shouldn’t give them to ducklings. But if you want, give a very little portion so that these don’t bother the stomachs of your ducklings. 

Q2: Can ducks eat canned tomatoes?

No, they cannot. Canned tomatoes typically contain additives. Such as salt, preservatives, and other seasonings unsuitable for ducks. These additives can be harmful to their health and cause digestive issues. It is best to avoid feeding canned tomatoes to ducks instead of fresh, ripe tomatoes.

Q3: Can ducks eat tomato sauce?

No, they cannot. Tomato sauce typically contains more ingredients. Such as salt, spices, herbs, and sometimes even sugar. Which are not recommended for ducks. These added ingredients may be harmful to their health and cause digestive upset.


Ducks can eat Tomatoes with ease. The nutritional benefits of tomatoes aren’t deniable. The wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are to praise here. But consider it as an occasional treat for ducks.

However, it is important to practice precautions. It’s to cut the risks of feeding tomatoes. As it contains solanine toxicity! Finally, when feeding tomatoes to ducks, provide ripe tomatoes in small portions. Also, check the ducks’ reactions to ensure they digest properly.

Sources and References:


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