WORST Chicken Breeds for Beginners

Raising chickens is such a rewarding experience, but not all chicken breeds are created equal. Some breeds come with quirks and drawbacks that make them a bit of a handful, especially for backyard enthusiasts or small-scale farmers.

I’ve listed the 9 WORST chicken breeds for beginners. The list of worst chickens is as follows –

  1. Silkie
  2. Malay
  3. Sultan
  4. Frizzle
  5. Shamo
  6. Cornish Cross
  7. Polish
  8. Leghorns
  9. Asil (Aseel).

These selections are based on factors like egg production, meat yield, temperament, and overall suitability for common purposes. 

While these breeds can have their niche appeal, they often pose challenges. Let’s learn about these breeds and why we should avoid them.

List of 9 Worst Chicken Breeds for Beginners

While all chickens are fascinating creatures, not every breed is a perfect fit for every backyard flock. Some breeds come with quirks and challenges that require specific considerations.

Let’s take a closer look at eight breeds that might be more difficult to manage and suggest some great alternatives.

1. Silkie Chicken Breed

Silkie Chicken Breed

Silkie chickens are adorable with their fluffy feathers, but they’re poor flyers. This makes them easy prey for predators and limits their ability to escape danger.

Plus, their feathered heads can obscure their vision, making it hard for them to navigate their coop and run.

Alternatives: Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks are friendly and good layers, making them a more practical choice.

2. Malay Chicken Breed

Malay Chicken Breed

Malays are impressive birds, but they have an aggressive temperament, especially the roosters. They can be tough to manage, particularly for beginners, and their loud crowing might bother your neighbors.

Alternatives: Cochin or Brahma chickens are much calmer giant breeds and easier to handle.

3. Sultan Chicken Breed

Sultan Chicken Breed

Sultan chickens are striking with their large crests, but these can obstruct their vision and make them clumsy. Their fluffy feathers also need extra care to stay clean and dry.

Alternatives: Polish chickens offer a similar crest but are more manageable in size and care.

4. Frizzle Chicken Breed

Frizzle Chicken Breed

Frizzle chickens have unique curly feathers, but this makes them less water-resistant. This can be a problem in wet or cold climates, and the constant feather growth can irritate their skin.

Alternatives: Wyandottes or Rhode Island Reds have beautiful plumage that handles various climates better.

5. Shamo Chicken Breed

Shamo Chicken Breed

Shamo chickens are bred for fighting and have a highly aggressive temperament. In many places, owning them is illegal due to safety concerns.

Alternatives: Cornish Cross or heritage breeds like Freedom Rangers are good for meat production with a calmer disposition.

6. Cornish Cross Chicken Breed

Cornish Cross Chicken Breed

These chickens grow very fast for meat production, but this rapid growth often leaves them struggling to walk or support their own weight. They also have a very short lifespan.

Alternatives: Heritage breeds like Freedom Rangers or Red Broilers grow more slowly but are healthier and still good for meat. They will be the best chicken breeds you’ll ever have!

7. Polish Chicken Breed

Polish Chicken Breed

Like Sultans, Polish chickens have large crests that can obstruct their vision. They need extra care to keep their crests clean and prevent pecking from other chickens.

Alternatives: Wyandottes or Rhode Island Reds are good-looking birds that are easier to care for and manage.

8. Leghorns Chicken Breed

Leghorns Chicken Breed

Leghorns are fantastic egg layers, but they’re also very flighty and nervous. They can be hard to contain in a standard coop and aren’t the friendliest chickens.

Alternatives: Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks are great egg layers with much calmer temperaments.

9. Asil (Aseel) Chicken Breed

Asil (Aseel) Chicken Breed

Asils are known for their aggressive nature to humans and other poultries, much like Malays. They can be challenging to manage and might not be the best choice, especially if you have close neighbors.

Alternatives: Heritage breeds like Dominique or Delaware offer a majestic appearance but with a much calmer personality.

See the video to get a clear understanding about the crap chicken breeds you shouldn’t own.


Do you have questions in mind about these worst chicken breeds? Here’s the FAQ section to help you make it understand.

Q: Isn’t any chicken good for eggs? Why avoid Leghorns if they lay well?

Leghorns are fantastic egg layers, but their flighty nature can make them difficult to handle and less enjoyable to have around.

Q: I love the look of Silkies! Can’t I just keep them extra safe?

Silkies are adorable, but their poor vision and flightlessness make them highly susceptible to predators. If your heart is set on a fluffy friend, consider breeds like Cochins or Pekins. Much better!

Q: Are all giant chicken breeds aggressive like Malays?

Not necessarily! Breeds like Cochins and Brahmas offer a majestic look with a calmer personality. Research temperament before choosing a giant breed.

Q: What are the worst egg-laying chickens?

There isn’t necessarily a “worst” layer, but some breeds lay fewer eggs on average. For example – Silkie or Cornish Cross.

Q: I want the friendliest chicken breeds!  Which are best?

Many breeds are known for their friendly personalities. On top of that, Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Cochins, and Wyandottes are the best for me.

Final Word

When starting your backyard flock, it’s so important to choose breeds that match your goals and experience level. While unique breeds like Silkies or Sultans may catch your eye, their quirks and challenges can be frustrating for beginners. By avoiding the breeds on this list, you’ll have a much easier time enjoying when raising chickens.

Remember, there are countless wonderful chicken breeds to explore. Do your research, consider your climate and space, and pick breeds known for their hardiness, docile temperaments, and productivity.

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