How To Stop Ducks Eating Their Eggs

When ducks are in their nesting session, I see them consuming their own eggs! Ain’t this something to be surprising? Well, ducks do that to have calcium nutrition for their health or to avoid hunger.

Now, how to stop ducks eating their eggs? Here are the guidelines you can follow –

  1. Ensure Calcium Intake for Ducks
  2. Provide Enough Nest Boxes
  3. Offer Separate Nesting Areas
  4. Collect Eggs Often
  5. Remove Broken Eggs Quickly
  6. Provide a Balanced Diet
  7. Separate Troublemakers Aggressive Ducks
  8. Create Fun Spaces
  9. Use Fake Eggs.

This article will share every detail a duck enthusiast should follow. So, don’t skip any section and read it with your attention!

How to Stop Ducks Eating Their Eggs? Why They Eat Their Eggs?

As I said, they eat their eggs out of hunger or maybe due to aggressive behavior. It’s basically because they have the cannibalism effect in mind. However, let me clarify why ducks do that!

Why Do Ducks Eat Their Eggs? 4 Major Reasons!

Why Do Ducks Eat Their Eggs

Several factors can contribute to ducks eating their eggs, including:

  1. Calcium deficiency: Ducks require appropriate calcium for proper egg production. A lack of calcium can make duck eggshells weak. It causes them to break easily and tempt the ducks to swallow them.
  2. Lack of interest: Ducks are naturally interested and busy birds. Without proper stimulation and enrichment, ducks may engage in harmful activities like egg-eating.
  3. Problems with nest boxes: Nest boxes can cause problems if they are poorly built. When ducks don’t have enough private space and comfy bedding, they feel uneasy. This condition makes them start breaking and eating their eggs.
  4. Egg-eating habit: If a duck keeps eating eggs without limits, it becomes a tough habit to break.

Do ducks eat their own eggshells after they hatch?

Yes, ducks may eat their own eggshells after they hatch. This behavior is instinctual and serves a purpose in the wild. It helps eliminate evidence of the nest. This reduces the risk of predators finding the nest site.

However, it is believed that duck eggs have 70 grams of nutrients in whites and yolks. And 10% is in the eggshells. If you intend to feed them some, here is a video that may help you out!

Do ducks eat their own babies?

Ducks typically do not eat their own babies. In fact, mother ducks are known for being protective and caring for their ducklings. However, if a duck feels threatened or stressed, it may unintentionally harm its ducklings.

Will they eat chicken eggs?

If ducks have access to eggs, they might eat them, especially if they live with chickens. Ducks tend to eat smaller chicken eggs, causing problems for flock owners. 

To avoid this, it’s best to house ducks and chickens separately. If you have both species in one space, provide enough nest boxes for each. Collect eggs regularly to prevent ducks from eating them.

What Are the Dangers of Eating Eggs by Ducks?

Ducks eating their eggs can have harmful consequences. 

  • Reduced egg production: Frequent egg-eating can discourage ducks from producing eggs. So, the egg number gets impacted.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Ducks acquire critical nutrients from eggshells. Eating them can deprive them of essential nutrients, affecting their health and well-being.
  • Disease transmission: Broken eggshells provide a habitat for germs to flourish. This could potentially expose ducks to dangerous infections.

To have an extended idea, see the video related to ducks’ egg-eating habits:

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9 Ways to Stopping Ducks to Eat Their Eggs

Ducks may eat their eggs, and you know why! However, if you are worried about having a loss project on a poultry farm, just follow the ideas I’ve included. Your ducks are surely gonna stop doing such behavior!

1. Ensure Calcium Intake for Ducks

Ensure Calcium Intake for Ducks

Calcium is essential for sturdy eggshells. If ducks lack enough calcium, their eggs may become fragile and more likely to break. It makes them tempting for ducks to eat.

To address this, give ducks a well-rounded diet with lots of calcium. Use commercial feed designed for laying hens and also the supplement with extras. Such as oyster shells or crushed eggshells to enhance their calcium intake.

According to the Backyard Chickens forum, egg-eating in ducks is associated with protein and calcium deficiencies. Given that your duck can easily break her own eggshells. This occurs only when she lacks an adequate supply of these essential nutrients. This is because the nutrients contribute to developing strong shell formation.

To address this, provide your duck with a high-quality all-flock ration. It should contain 18-20% protein. Additionally, offer a separate bowl of oyster shells for free-choice calcium intake.

2. Provide Enough Nest Boxes

Uncomfortable nest boxes can lead to egg-eating. Ensure each box provides ample privacy. Include soft bedding, such as wood shavings or straw, and dim lighting. This encourages stress-free egg laying.

To ensure your ducks have enough nesting space, follow these guidelines. This will also help prevent egg eating.

  • Provide at least one nest box for every four female ducks.
  • Offer a minimum of five square feet of space per duck to avoid overcrowding.
  • Line each nest box with at least two inches of wood shavings, sawdust, straw, or hay.
  • Ensure the nest box has a 3-4 inch front lip to prevent bedding from spilling out.

3. Offer Separate Nesting Areas

For larger flocks, set up multiple nesting spots. This reduces competition among ducks and lowers the chance of egg-eating. This is important when you keep ducks and chickens on the same farm together.

4. Collect Eggs Often

Collect Eggs Often

Ducks may eat eggs if left alone for too long. Collect eggs regularly, especially during peak laying times. It’ll minimize the chance of egg-eating. This also helps ensure fresh eggs.

5. Remove Broken Eggs Quickly

Cracked eggs can trigger egg-eating. Dispose of them right away to remove the temptation. This will prevent other ducks from learning this habit.

6. Provide a Balanced Diet

You have to provide a varied diet with essential nutrients. This will prevent ducks from searching for eggs. Add fresh veggies, fruits, and chopped greens to their commercial feed. This will ensure proper nutrition and reduce boredom.

For example, you can offer vegetables and fruits like – 


  • Apples
  • Berries (Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)
  • Grapes (Seedless)
  • Melons (Cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon)
  • Peaches & Nectarines (Flesh only), etc.


  • Beet greens
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage (Red, green, Napa)
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Corn (Sweet or field)
  • Cucumber, etc.

7. Separate Troublemakers Aggressive Ducks

If you notice a duck consistently eating eggs or acting strangely on eggs, isolate them temporarily. This protects other eggs and lets you address that duck’s behavior.

8. Create Fun Spaces

To reduce boredom, offer ducks enrichment. Use toys like balls and mirrors. Set up a foraging area with hidden treats. Provide a swimming pool or pond for their enjoyment.

9. Use Fake Eggs or Golf Balls

Use Fake Eggs or Golf Balls

Strategically place fake eggs or gold balls in nest boxes to deter ducks from laying real eggs there. This helps reduce the risk of egg-eating and provides ducks with a sense of purpose.

Do All Ducks Eat Their Own Eggs?

Egg-eating is common among ducks. Certain breeds, like Muscovy ducks, are less prone to this behavior.

The inclination varies significantly depending – 

  • On the species
  • Environmental factors
  • Stress levels and
  • Foraging options.

Wild ducks rarely turn to self-cannibalism to survive. Domestic ducks that are well-fed often leave their eggs undisturbed throughout brooding periods. 

However, hungry, agitated, or confined ducks might harm maturing eggs. Some ducks appear to be naturally prone to the egg-stealing urge.

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So, ensure proper nutrition and habitat, and take strategic action to know how to stop ducks eating their eggs. Following my guidelines will create a healthier, egg-friendly environment for your ducks.

Remember to collect eggs regularly, fix broken ones fast, and use fake eggs to trick them. Being patient and consistent is key. Patience and creating a positive environment are key factors in changing egg-eating behavior. My guidelines will help you keep the chickens away from eating eggs.

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