Cheap Chicken Coop Ideas

Raising chickens at home is a rewarding hobby, but the cost of a chicken coop can be daunting. Fortunately, building a chicken coop doesn’t have to be expensive. With some creativity and basic DIY skills, you can make a comfortable and safe home for your chickens on a budget.

But what are the cheap chicken coop ideas? The list of DIY budget-friendly chicken coops are –

  1. Pallet Chicken Coop
  2. Converted Children’s Playhouse Coop
  3. Repurposed Shed Coop
  4. Hoop House Coop
  5. IKEA Hack Coop
  6. PVC Pipe Coop
  7. Plastic Barrel Coop
  8. Affordable A-Frame Coop
  9. Cozy Cargo Coop
  10. Doghouse Coop
  11. Trampoline Coop
  12. Dresser Coop
  13. Swing Set Coop
  14. Modified Tractor Coop

From using old pallets and sheds to converting playhouses and doghouses, you’ll find plenty of inspiration! Let’s share more about chicken coop ideas!

14 Cheap Chicken Coop Ideas for Chicken Owners

Raising backyard chickens is a wonderful experience, but the cost of a pre-built coop can put a strain on your budget. Don’t let that discourage you!

With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can build a functional and affordable coop. Lemme share some ideas with you –

Pallet Chicken Coop

One of my favorite budget-friendly coop ideas is to use wooden pallets as the foundation.

These sturdy workhorses are often available for free or very cheap from local businesses, making them an affordable and eco-friendly option. With a little elbow grease, you can stack and secure pallets to create nesting boxes, roosting bars, and a spacious enclosure for your feathered friends. 

Add some weatherproofing and a tin roof, and voila! You’ve got a rustic, charming pallet chicken coop that won’t break the bank.

Converted Children’s Playhouse Coop

If you’ve got an old playhouse taking up space in your backyard, why not give it a new life as a whimsical chicken coop?

Keep an eye out for neighborhood sales – you’d be surprised how often these sturdy structures pop up for sale or even free!

With some minor modifications like adding nesting boxes, roosting bars, and proper ventilation, your chickens will have a cozy, fairytale-like home that’s sure to be the envy of the neighborhood.

Repurposed Shed Coop

Have an unused shed gathering cobwebs? Don’t let that potential go to waste!

With a little creativity, you can transform that neglected shed into a fantastic budget-friendly coop. Clear out the interior, add nesting boxes and roosting bars, and create secure access points for your flock. The existing walls and roof provide excellent protection from the elements.

And it’s gonna save you the cost and hassle of constructing an entirely new structure.

Hoop House Coop

For a simple and affordable coop design, consider building a “hoop house” using PVC pipes or metal conduits.

This curved structure can be easily covered with chicken wire or hardware cloth, creating an airy, well-ventilated enclosure. Add some nesting boxes and roosts, and you’ve got a functional and budget-friendly coop that’s a breeze to assemble.

IKEA Hack Coop

As a dedicated IKEA fan, I’m always on the lookout for clever ways to repurpose their furniture.

Why not transform those bookcases, dressers, or storage units into a stylish and functional coop?

With some creative modifications like adding nesting boxes, ventilation, and a secure run area, you can combine pieces or use them as modular components to create a customized, budget-friendly solution that’s as unique as your flock.

PVC Pipe Coop

If you’re looking for a lightweight and durable coop option, consider using PVC pipes as the frame. This inexpensive material is incredibly easy to work with and can be configured into various coop designs.

Add some chicken wire or hardware cloth for the enclosure, and get creative with recycled or salvaged materials for the roof and nesting boxes. Not only the PVC pipe coop is budget-friendly, but it’s also a great way to flex your DIY muscles!

Plastic Barrel Coop

Have you ever looked at those large plastic barrels and thought, “Hmm, that could make a cozy little coop?”

Well, you’d be right! Upcycling plastic barrels into insulated coops is a genius idea that’s both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Cut some openings for nesting boxes, roosting bars, and access points, and your chickens will have a warm and dry shelter from the elements.

Add a run area using affordable fencing materials or repurposed pallets, and you have a winning backyard setup.

Affordable A-Frame Coop

There’s something undeniably charming about the classic A-frame coop design. Not only is it simple to construct from scrap lumber or inexpensive materials, but the triangular shape maximizes interior space while providing ample headroom for your feathered friends.

Customize the size and features to suit your flock’s needs, and you’ll have a functional and budget-friendly coop that’s sure to be the envy of your backyard farmer friends.

Cozy Cargo Coop

If you’re looking for a mobile coop solution, why not transform an old cargo trailer or truck bed into a chicken haven on wheels?

Add some nesting boxes, roosting bars, and proper ventilation, and you’ve got a secure and transportable coop that can be moved to fresh grazing areas with ease.

Not only is it a cost-effective option, but it also allows you to give your flock a change of scenery whenever you’d like.

Doghouse Coop

Don’t have an old doghouse lying around? No problem!

Keep an eye out at garage sales or online classifieds – these cozy structures often pop up for sale or even free. By adding nesting boxes, roosting bars, and secure access points, the coop will look exactly what you want!

Trampoline Coop

Who says trampolines are just for kids? If you’ve got an old trampoline frame gathering dust, why not make it an affordable trampoline coop?

Secure the frame with chicken wire or hardware cloth, add some nesting boxes and roosts, and let your chickens enjoy the spacious run area beneath the frame.

Dresser Coop

Have an old dresser taking up space in your garage or basement? Don’t send it to the landfill just yet!

With a little imagination, you can transform that outdated piece of furniture into a quirky and practical coop for your chickens. Remove the drawers, add nesting boxes and roosting bars, and create secure access points.

Swing Set Coop

If you’ve got an unused swing set gathering dust and rust, why not give it a new life as a whimsical coop for your chickens? Enclose the frame with chicken wire or hardware cloth, add some nesting boxes and roosting bars, and let your flock enjoy the elevated run area.

Modified Tractor Coop

Consider repurposing an old tractor or farm implement for a truly unique and budget-friendly coop option.

With some creative modifications like adding nesting boxes, roosting bars, and secure enclosures, you can transform a perfect coop! That rusty relic into a mobile chicken coop that’s as functional as it is charming.

Keeping Chicken Costs Down: What Smart Strategies to Follow?

Raising backyard chickens can be a rewarding experience, but the initial setup costs, including the coop, can be daunting.  Here are some smart strategies to keep your chicken-keeping adventure affordable.

  • DIY (Do-It-Yourself): Tackle building your coop yourself. Utilize recycled materials like pallets, scrap wood, or even salvaged windows.
  • Repurpose: Breathe new life into old structures! Consider converting a children’s playhouse, storage shed, or even a sturdy dresser into a coop.
  • Choose Materials Wisely: Opt for affordable options like untreated lumber or hardware cloth instead of expensive pre-built structures.
  • Consider Heritage Breeds: Heritage breeds are often known for being hardier and requiring less commercially produced feed compared to some high-production breeds.
  • DIY Feeders & Waterers: Get crafty and build your own feeders and waterers from PVC pipes or other readily available materials.
  • Deep Litter Method: Utilize the deep litter method for coop bedding. This reduces cleaning frequency and creates natural compost for your garden.
  • Multi-Purpose Runs: Consider using a mobile chicken tractor coop that allows your chickens to access fresh grass while fertilizing your lawn.
  • Right-Size Your Flock: Start small! A smaller flock requires less feed and coop space.
  • Free-Range When Possible: Allow your chickens to forage for bugs, grubs, and greenery, reducing the amount of commercial feed needed.
  • Supplemental Treats: Supplement their diet with kitchen scraps like vegetable peels, fruits (in moderation), and leftover grains.

For example, for four hens, you need a 4’x4′ coop (16 square feet), 4 feet of roost space, and a 40 square foot run (e.g., 4’x10′ or 6’x8′). Ensure at least 4 square feet of ventilation, ideally spread out for better airflow, and 2 nest boxes for laying.

However, you can also take ideas from the following video to create a cost-friendly chicken coop –


Check out the following queries for more information about cheap and budget-friendly chicken coops!

Q. What is the cheapest way to build a chicken coop?

The cheapest coop utilizes free or recycled materials like pallets or scrap wood, with a simple design like a modified tractor coop or A-frame.

Q. Are cheap chicken coops safe for my chickens?

Absolutely! While keeping costs down is important, safety should never be compromised.  This means using strong, secure materials for the coop structure and run to keep predators out.

Q. How can I save money on coop essentials like nesting boxes and feeders?

Repurpose items like old buckets, drawers, or even sturdy cardboard boxes for nesting boxes work well. Also, there are many online tutorials for building simple and effective coops with less money.


With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can provide chickens with a comfortable and secure home without breaking the bank. From repurposing everyday items to constructing simple, cost-effective designs, these cheap chicken coop ideas are perfect! I promise it’s less hassle, much easier to coop ideas from my research.

I hope these ideas inspire you to start your own chicken-keeping adventure. Go for any ideas you love for your backyard friends!

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