Worms in Chickens? Know the Signs & How to Treat!

Worms in Chickens? Know the Signs & How to Treat!

Worms in chickens can be sneaky troublemakers! These tiny internal parasites, often invisible to the naked eye, silently harm the poultries. From roundworms to tapeworms, they can impact the digestive system, growth, egg production, and even death if left untreated. Worms lay eggs in droppings, and chickens can pick them up while pecking around. Or…

Lice and Mites in Chicken Coop? 5 Treatment Tips to Get Rid of Them!
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Lice and Mites in Chicken Coop? 5 Treatment Tips to Get Rid of Them!

If you see chickens itching, and preening more than usual, pesky pests like lice and mites are mostly to blame! These unwanted visitors can make poultry life measurable and decrease egg production and overall health. Now, what causes Lice and Mites in Chicken Coop? Lice and mites bother chickens because the coop gets dirty and…

Egg Yolk Peritonitis in Chicken: How Do You Treat?

Egg Yolk Peritonitis in Chicken: How Do You Treat?

Egg yolk peritonitis (EYP) is a condition that can strike poultry, causing a variety of symptoms like listlessness and a swollen abdomen. It occurs when yolk material leaks out of the hen’s reproductive tract and into her body cavity. This can lead to infection and inflammation. Why it happens and what to do for Egg…

Fowl Pox in Chickens: What Are the Causes, Symptoms and Treatments?

Fowl Pox in Chickens: What Are the Causes, Symptoms and Treatments?

Seeing your chickens having unusual bumps like pox on their combs or wattles is upsetting. It could be a sign of fowl pox caused by a DNA Pox virus! Your chickens may have trouble breathing or they may look tired, too. So, how to treat Fowl Pox in Chickens? Owners or vets can give them…

Clueless About Poultry Leg Woes? Get How to Fix Broken Chicken Leg!

Clueless About Poultry Leg Woes? Get How to Fix Broken Chicken Leg!

A broken chicken leg is a common issue in poultry farming, often resulting from accidents or underlying health conditions. This condition can cause distress to both the chicken and its caretaker. Chickens can break their legs from falling, accidents, or overcrowding. Weak bones from poor nutrition or osteoporosis can also make them more prone to…

How to Treat Wintertime Sickness Frostbite In Chicken?

How to Treat Wintertime Sickness Frostbite In Chicken?

Have you ever noticed pale or black combs and wattles on your chickens during winter? It must be Frostbite, which is a common concern of chickens during cold weather. Now, what causes Frostbite in chickens? It happens when exposed skin freezes. In milder cases, the affected area appears pale or slightly red. In severe cases,…

Rickets in Chickens: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Rickets in Chickens: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Rickets aren’t just a problem for people; can also affect chickens. The impacts are more visible in the chicken farming industry. It slows down growth, weakens bones, and makes chickens less healthy overall. But what are the causes and treatments of Rickets in Chickens? Rickets happens when chickens don’t get enough nutrients. Chickens that are…

Angel Wings in Ducks: 5 Root Causes And 2 DIY Recovery Tips

Angel Wings in Ducks: 5 Root Causes And 2 DIY Recovery Tips

Angel wings in ducks of a certain age are a matter of concern. Treating angel wings in ducks depends on their age. If they aren’t growing much, then following a simple group of rules might fix the problem.  But what causes angel wings in ducks, and how to treat it? Well, nutritional deficiency and overfeeding…

Essential First Aid Supplies For Ducks (+13 Basic Things To Keep)

Essential First Aid Supplies For Ducks (+13 Basic Things To Keep)

Getting wounded and immediate treatment access is always crucial for humans and birds like ducks and chickens. But what do you need to make a duck first aid kit? What are the Essential First Aid Supplies For Ducks? While researching, I found 12 must-have first aid things, such as – For your duck’s quick recovery,…

What Causes Aspergillosis In Ducks? (Symptoms And Treatment Included)

What Causes Aspergillosis In Ducks? (Symptoms And Treatment Included)

Aspergillosis is a fungal infection that can affect ducks and lead to serious health concerns. Ducks are particularly vulnerable to this infection due to their habitat preferences and feeding behaviors. But what causes Aspergillosis in Ducks? When ducks have weak immune systems, they can get sick from Aspergillus. Ducks with Aspergillosis may struggle to breathe…

What Causes Pasty Butt In Chickens? Reasons and Treatment

What Causes Pasty Butt In Chickens? Reasons and Treatment

A pasty butt is a common issue among baby chicks. It occurs when their soft feces stick to the vent area, blocking proper elimination. This condition can be fatal if left untreated. So, what causes pasty butt in chickens? Pasty butt is often caused by factors such as stress, improper nutrition, and unhygienic living conditions….

Chicken With Runny Bum: What Are The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment?

Chicken With Runny Bum: What Are The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment?

Chickens, like other animals, can face a condition known as runny bum. It seems like a minor inconvenience, but it is crucial to take the necessary steps to avoid further shortcomings. Chicken with a runny bum refers to when a chicken has loose, watery droppings. It’s when it causes discomfort and distress to the bird….

How to Treat Water Belly In Ducks? 6 Steps to Follow!

How to Treat Water Belly In Ducks? 6 Steps to Follow!

Ducks face health challenges, and one such concern is water belly. It’s a build-up of fluid in their abdomen. If left untreated, it can be risky for their well-being. But how to treat Water Belly in Ducks? Treating a duck for a water belly involves draining the accumulated fluid. It’s to relieve pressure and provide…

Water Belly In Chickens: How to Treat Such Condition?

Water Belly In Chickens: How to Treat Such Condition?

Water Belly In Chickens, also known as ascites, is a condition that affects these feathered friends. That’s kind of like when you drink too much water. It’s like a big, bloated tummy problem for them.  However, this issue arises when too much fluid builds up in the chicken’s abdomen. Water belly can be caused by…

Why Is My Duck Limping? 6 Potential Causes and Solutions!

Why Is My Duck Limping? 6 Potential Causes and Solutions!

Noticing your duck limping or struggling to bear weight on one foot can have many underlying causes. It’s sad to see such things. But knowing why it happens to your duck will help you take more efficient actions. So, Why is My Duck Limping? They can limp for a lot of reasons, including bacterial infection,…

Duck Egg Binding – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Duck Egg Binding – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Are your ducks facing problems while laying eggs? This can happen because of egg binding.  But what is egg binding in ducks? Duck Egg Binding is a distressing and potentially life-threatening condition. It occurs when a duck is unable to lay an egg due to muscle contractions in the reproductive tract. Because of this, eggs…

How Do You Know If A Duck Is In Pain? Let’s Address the Pain in Ducks!

How Do You Know If A Duck Is In Pain? Let’s Address the Pain in Ducks!

Ducks can’t express themselves like humans when they are in pain. So, how do you know if a duck is in pain? Identifying pain in ducks can be challenging. However, there are several signs to look for that may indicate a duck is in pain. These signs include Additionally, a duck may show signs of distress…

Why You Should Build a Chicken Swing? To Prevent Stress!

Why You Should Build a Chicken Swing? To Prevent Stress!

As a backyard chicken owner, ever thought about giving your feathered pals a swinging good time? A chicken swing is a simple yet ingenious addition to your backyard coop. It’s designed to bring joy and health to your feathered friends.  So, why you should build a Chicken Swing? A chicken swing is like a fun…

Do Ducks Get Stressed? Yes, It’s A Response To Situations!

Do Ducks Get Stressed? Yes, It’s A Response To Situations!

Do ducks get stressed? Yes, ducks, like many other animals, can experience stress. When ducks experience changes in their environment, they can feel stressed. Unlike humans, ducks don’t feel stress the same way. But they show it through their actions and how their bodies react. Ducks can get stressed when they feel unsafe or attacked…

White Patches On Ducks: Genetics, Health, And Environmental Factors

White Patches On Ducks: Genetics, Health, And Environmental Factors

What are the reasons for white patches on ducks? Ducks have distinct and diverse appearances, including striking white patches on some species. These patches appear on both male and female ducks and pique the curiosity of bird enthusiasts. The presence of these white patches results from factors such as genetics, health, and environment. Our exploration…

How To Treat Bumblefoot In Ducks: 6 Symptoms & 11 Steps To Cure!

How To Treat Bumblefoot In Ducks: 6 Symptoms & 11 Steps To Cure!

Bumblefoot in ducks is a difficulty caused by Staphylococcus aureus. And your ducks need treatment ASAP. But how to treat bumblefoot in ducks? Bumblefoot treatment varies by severity. For minor cases, soak the foot in warm Epsom salt water. Then, take off the scab, clean the wound, and put on antibiotic ointment. Bandage it and…